Since about 2006, University of Lagos has been conducting exams into its postgraduate programmes. This year is no exception. The exams last year ( those in PGD & MSc chemical engineering did) involed some general english (registers and lexis and structure), some basic applied maths and aspect of basic chemical engineering (material balance e.t.c). Many parts of the past questions were repeated. So it is important for you to revise the past question as it would be to your advantage. Atleast 60 percent of the question should come from the past question.
Normally, there shouldn’t be a need for this stage in the postgraduate admission process, but you would know why it is VERY IMPORTANT after reading. After the exams and before the release of admission list, is the time when many ‘behind the scene’ activities takes place. Those with ‘long leg’, ‘long hand’ and ‘deep pocket’ e.t.c all try to swing the final list in their favour or their candidates favour. This is the time to make use of every legitimate (NOT ILLEGIMATE) means that would aid your being admitted. This period is very crucial as various faculties and department meet to finally choose those who would be admitted. Senior staff members can influence this list.
The lists of postgraduate students admitted are released. This could be either in the newspaper or on the university’s website. Admitted applicant are also sent text message (i was sent text). You begin the full registration programme by going to your department to submit your sealed transcript. You would get to know other details like school fees e.t.c For fresh postgraduate students seeking to live in the university’s hostel, you’d have to pay very early as UNILAG has very few spaces hostel accomodation. After payment of relevant fees, the major of the remaining process is at departmental level (meeting fellow postgraduate students, meeting your thesis supervisor e.t.c). The last major step of the postgraduate admission process is the matriculation. GOD Bless