UPDATE: 2014/15 U.I PG FORM IS FINNALY OUT. Drop your questions click ==>here
We appreciate the regular readers on this blog and their questions. There seems to be a lot of expectation about when the University of Ibadan would begin sales of its 2014/15 postgraduate forms. This is a summary of the questions asked on http://www.postgraduatenigeria.blogspot.com/2013/07/basic-information-for-postgraduate.html#comment-form .
- AMAKA IZUOBA6 May 2014 08:39morning..plz wats d latest on mastas form sales? how much is the tuition fee? is it per semeter or per section?
- pls, kip me informed, once the sale of pgd forms start in u.i, for 2014/2015 academic year.thanks. Can a person apply if deficient in English Language and Mathematics?
Thanks for ur helpful info. I’m hoping for the 2014/2015 form sale. But pls, what is the duration for msc in soil sci and can a 2:2( >3.0) grade be accepted? Thanks
– We will definitelt keep you informed when University if Ibadan begin sales of its 2014/15 postgraduate forms. But it seems it would still take a while. For the 2013/14 postgraduate applicant into U.I, their recommendation/admission letters are still being processed. That is, last year postgraduate applicants who passed the entry exams have not began lectures. So, take your time and make sure you visit the blog regularly. Tuition fees for postgraduate studies in U.I is about 30,000 to 120,000 depending the course. Note, this is tuition fees alone, the consolidated fees should not be less the 90,000 for the lowest. The postgraduate fees are per session. This is the postgraduate fees for 2012/13 session at University of Ibadan. [click here]
– Some one who is deficient in English Language and Mathematics need not apply. You would be screened out. You should have at least 5 credits at O’ level including English Language and Mathematics. Don’t dash U.I postgraduate school you money.
– Duration for masters programme at U.I is normally 18 months, except for some professional courses and part time. Admission into postgraduate programme at University of Ibadan is very competitive. Your best shot at being admitted is to have a 2.1. Even some 2.1 may be denied if the competition is high and you are not a U.I graduate.
Follow this blog for up-to-date information
Are their some courses that are run on part time at the post graduate programme. please kindly mention them.
university of ibadan dosent run part postgraduate programmes. Probably only some professional postgraduate masters courses like MBA. i hope this helps
Please is it possible for someone who just started internship to apply for master’s in UI for pharmacy
It’s possible if you have done your oath taking and induction. But UI will require NYSC certificate to process your Master’s admission
pls when will pgd forms (theatre arts) be on sale?
keep visiting this blog, you would know when the forms go on sale
Am a chemistry graduate with a third class,want to do my postgraduate program in ui,pharmaceutical chemistry…is that possible and what are the chances of getting admitted
maryam, i dont really know what you mean by postgraduate programme, but you cant do a masters in university of ibadan for that course because of your class of degree. i'd advise you to do a postgraduate diploma.
Please can someone with a 2'1 in Electronics & Computer Engneering from FUTO be able to do Msc in Computer Science at University of Ibadan? Thanks
you should be be easilty admitted at U.I in computer science, since you made 2.1, just make sure you pass the profiency exams well. Msc specialization at university of ibadan in computer science are
Computer Architecture
Operating Systems
Programming Language
Data Communications/Computer Network
Computer embedded System
Algorithms & Computational Theory
Database/Data Warehousing/Data Mining
Functional & Logic Programming
Computer Information Systems
Human Computer Interaction.
thanks. but is it true that FUTA has started selling Postgraduate forms for 2014/2015
please when is the masters form going on sale? most schools have started selling their forms and I wonder what's delaying that of UI. please is there anyway that one can get the English Proficiency test online and if not, what should one expect? at least to start preparing for the exams? what do u think should be the estimate for the forms? you have really been of great help, thanks a whole lot
Celiapinky, those that bought the postgraduate forms last year are just about resuming, ASUU strike affect them at U.I. Also, its only UNILORIN and UNN that have sold forms this year (as much as i know). Just chill, okay? the form should not go beyond 22k
Can someone with 2.2 do Msc in organic chemistry. What is chance of someone with double o'level results of getting admission.
Kindly update once the form is out
@emma, you should, but a 2.1 would have made your admission more certain.
@toyin, keep follow this blog, we should here for you.
Please do UI offer an MSc in Software engineering or Information Technology under Computer Science
Please I want to do the masters of engineering management in industrial and production engr (logistics and supply chain mgt) in UI. I have a 2:2 (3.26) in Shipping Mgt Technology (B.Tech) from FUTO. I also intend on grabbing a pgd in production engr from uniben then applying to UI for the prof masters. Is this a good step? Pls advice. Thanks
Someone just told me that UI has taken pg 2014/2015 exam.is it true?
@all, post comments with a name or an alais, makes it easier to quote you
– U.I does not offer software engineering/I.T but other similar courses exists
-U.I does engineering management under industrual&production engineering. your other question is not clear
-U.I cannot take entrance exams when they did not sell form.
Pls wats the requirement for masters in public health in UI, do 2:2 candidate in microbiology has hope? Pls i nid an urgent reply.Tanxs
pls am interested i PGD UI and UNIPORT. Pls do update me
Please has final clearance begun for 2011/2012 PGD
Pls was told dat those applying 4 masters in English language need not 2 write d exams. How true is this? Secondly can u help me list the courses in Masters in English offered by UI?
Pls the proficiency Exams is it for al? Because Someone told me that people going for masters in English need not 2 write the Exams. Pls how true is this. Secondly can u help me list d courses for masters in English been offered in UI
@Deborah, as far as I know, the proficiency test is for all postgraduate masters applicants into university of Ibadan.
Courses in masters are
Contrastive Analysis
Varieties of English
English as a Second Language
Socio Linguistics
Discourse Analysis
Phonology/Phonetics of English
Please I need to know the exact things to read those topics mentioned ,because those courses are rather to broad .
Is this list of courses for English Language or Linguistics?
Is this list of courses for English Language or Linguistics?
what is the implication of 60% ph.d grade for ph.d admission
GdM,pls want to enquire ,if a 2.2 b.sc in biochem can apply for M.sc public health and i want to know wether the school is offering part-time in M.sc PH and when is the next pgd form is coming out.tnks
Please,Can i still get the U.I Master form now
Can I still purchase 2014/2015 PGD form, pls I want 2 no
My name is Vince. Pls does UI run post graduate diploma? And hope it isn't late to purchase a form
@meetubgneeds, a 60% Ph.D grade at masters level is needed for your Ph.D admission
@grace, I don't think university if Ibadan offers part time masters in MPH, also, as an advice, is your biochemistry majored in the medical aspect, cos that might help admission to do MPH
@Moji, U.I forms is not out yet, visit this blog regularly
@Sanmi, yes, form is not out yet.
good day, pls what are the course options for MSc in geology. Thanks
My name is biola ,i have HND in Accounting with lower credit from The polytechnic Ibadan i want to know if i can do my master or PG in UI ,2014/2015 admmission. please.
when exactly is d pg form for UI 2014/2015 goin 2 come out? also can someone on 2.2 apply? does d university offer a course in Biotechnology and molecular biology?
i heard that ui pgd form was meant to come out on the 15th of this month, please how true is this and if not will it be sold before the end of the year? what does pgd in education entail and the total cost please
please what is the duration of pgd in ui? Will the entrance exam be written before the end of the year? thanks
Hi, am wale, I want to ask if someone with 2.1 in economics education can be admitted to do Msc in Economics? If no, is there any way of making it possible. Thanks in advance.
I'm mide, pls I want to knw if dere is a chance fr me in ui postgraduate fr agric econs , I graduated frn OAU wit 2:1 in soil sc, and pls wen is d closing date fr d form
Please, I have First Class in Demography and Social Statistics, do you think I can be admitted to do Msc in Economics. Thanks in anticipation
Sales of 2014/2015 UI masters degree form is now on sale. You can visit their postgraduate school's website for more details at http://www.postgraduate.ui.edu.ng/news
Meanwhile, information have not been made available online as I said in my last comment. However, you can get detail information on Guardian Newspaper of 19 August, 2014 and their PG School. Thanks.
UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN PG FORM IS OUT. DIRECT ALL QUESTIONS HERE http://postgraduatenigeria.blogspot.com/2014/08/201415-university-of-ibadan.html THANKS
Good morning Mr.Ayodele pls how possible is it for me to do my PGD in industrial social work in ui. i mean part time.cos i will be coming from lagos every weekend,I had my HND in 2013 in marketing with (Upper credit), pls need a reply
Good day. I want to run an MBA programme in UI on a part time level and I need pointers. I am in Lagos and I have only worked for 2 years.
Mr Ayodele, tnx for d info. Pls, i had 2.2 botany, can i be admitted for m.sc in pharmacognosy??
how much is MBA tuition fee, both FT and PT @ UI?
university of Ibadan does not offer biotechnology and molecular biology, similar courses there are membrane biochemistry and biotechnology in the department of biochemistry.
@James, UI options in geology are
Mineral Exploration (with options in Geophysics, Geochemistry and
Economic/Mining Geology)
Industrial Mineralogy
Economic Geology
Geochemistry/Petrology/Soil Mineralogy
Quaternary Geology
Petroleum Geology/Sedimentology
Applied Geophysics
Economic Geology
Petrology/Structural Geology
Hydrogeology/Engineering Geology.
@Wale, I would advice you no to apply for Economics, it is very competitive at U.I, and you BSc(ed) is a disadvantage.
@olamide, apply quickly. UI PG form would close the last week of September.
@Lakintan. You can apply to economics, but I advice you to select options related to your first degree course like development economics etc
I have a b.sc(ed) in mathematics. want to put in for masters in educational management. Is it advisable to put in for this course or my background course? Your advise will greatly be of help. Thanks
Yes, apply ASAP. I hope you graduated with at least 3.0/5 cgpa in your BSc(Ed)? that can determine your admission.
I am Efe, plis can I know the cost of the form and if UI does Strategic management and planning @ M.Sc or M.Ed?
What alternative course do they do @ M.Sc and M.Ed?
Related courses at MED in U.I
Educational Systems Administration
Institutional Administration
Educational Planning and Policy
Personnel Administration
Economics of Education
my name is dammy please does U.I offer peace and conflict study at masters level ?
Yes, peace and conflict studies in the institute of African studies
I'm TONIA. i have 2:2 in microbiology from Unizik and i want to put in for masters in public health. Can it be done?
It's still me TONIA. Pls what are the course options for Msc in microbioloy and Public Health
I want to appreciate d effort of Mr Ayodele for d info and d advice, in fact, it been helpful, thanks so much. Wale
@Tonia, U.I does not offer microbiology and public health, although there are so many other options in public health.
Please take all questions to the main blog post on the home page. I may not answer questions here regularly again.
I have 2.1 in Accounting from UNAD,can I do my masters in UI,what are the options for Accounting in UI masters degree programme, can anyone help me.
Can I apply for m.sc biz admin? I dnt knw if
u.i offer such course.
pls can i do G$C or Educational management as in u.i with bsc(ed)physics
pls can i do G$C or Educational management as masters in u.i with Bsc(ed)physics(2.2 as 3.3cgpa).can i do part time
what are the Industrial Mathematics relative courses in computer science department available for Msc in UI (with 2:2 in Ind. Maths)? or in Mathematics department as well?
^^^ Elasticity
Continuum Mechanics
Mathematical Biology
Mathematical Modeling
Quantum Field Theory
Electromagnetic Theory
Financial Mathematics
Mathematical Programming
Operation Research
Pls how much is the school fees for the centre for petroleum energy economics and law, i heard its up to 1million? Am applying for LLM in Energy Law.
Furthermore, I am currently doing my NYSC and will be passing out by mid october, by then the application for PG school will be over. we are required to scan and upload our nysc discharge certificate, what do i do?
Mr Ayodele, pls I would like to know my chances of being admitted into UI for masters in public health. Am a graduate of human physiology with 2:2(2.59)
Mr Ayodele, pls do u knw if UI accepts tw¤ sittings , Waec & Neco respectively @ deir masters level
Pls i am currently serving in d NYSC batch B,with a 2.1 in sociology can i apply for Masters in U.I,and if yes after filling my bio data and confirmation of my app.code and password 4rm my email,the server took me to the page where u hv print card,activate card,etc..am stuck,confused dnt knw wat 2 click and do..i need help pls Mr Ayo
pls my NYSC certificate wouldn't be ready until October. can I still apply? because the are asking for the cert. as part of the requirement.
Drop your questions with your name on the recent 2014/15 university of Ibadan blog post. This one here has gotten almost too long
Thanks for your response. Though I had already chosen MSC sociology before I saw your response,I will like to change to MSC development economics on the strength of your response.Pls, how can I reach you peradventure I need assistance as regards change of course cum registration. Kind respond on your blog or send a mail to lakintan@yahoo.com. thanks a million sir. God bless you sir
Hello Mr ayodele, I'm still on NYSC service hoping to be tru by July,2015. I studied mechanical engineering with CGPA of 3.20 pls can I apply now for Msc in Mechanical Engineerin(thermoflow option) (2014/2015)? Please are my eligible with that CGPA
moderator, you doing a very good job, God bless you. I graduated with a second class upper in English Education, i want to apply for msc psycholinguistics in ui. what are the prerequisites, both in o'level and first degree.
Pls Mr. John, do you the tuition fee for MSC in UI. for School of Sciences. Tanx.
Can I stll apply for Ph.d but mt M.ed result has noot been released but have idea of the result
Please I want to know if it is possible for one with a p7 in mathematics at the 0'level but with a 2:1 in Pol. Sc/ Pub Admin (B.Sc.) to do masters program in UI? Thanks.
Pls can someone with pass in o level mathematics who has a degree in public administration qualify to do MSC in Psychology in UI
helo sir,my name is funsho and i finished wit 3rd class, is it possible 4 me to apply 4 masters or pgd first, because i heard its not all courses dat requires 2.1. pls i nid dis information before i get d form
hello, my name is TONIA, pls im trying to upload my documents in the application page for MSc after i've made payment but the instruction is that the doc must be in Png or JPEG file with minimum of 10kb and maximum of 500kb but my documents are all more than 500kb. can i upload like that or what can i do?
Pls I will like to know if UI offers any applied or industrial maths courses in their postgraduate courses, and I have a 2:2 in my B.sc wit pure maths, how possible is the admission
Hello,my name is ife.pls i want to know if the masters form for faculty of education is still on sale,the amount ,closing date,requirements and tuition fee.pls its urgent.thanks
My name is Michael, I am an HND graduate in mechanical engineering from the fed. poly idah, am i eligible for PGD program in university of ibadan. What are my options pls.
Hello Mr Ayodele,
My name is George, I have my HND in Engineering with Upper Credit from Federal Poly Offa Kwara state in 2012.Pls Can I b admitted to do my master program directly in UI without Pgd???
Hy Mr Ayodele I m a pakistani national. i did my B A from Punjab University Pakiatan. I want to do MASTERS in Islamic Studies and Arabic Language. can u tell me the courses offered under it. And plz tell me what will be d proceedure for me. Azeem
@Ife, the postgraduate forms into university of Ibadan is not based on faculty basis. U.I is presently selling her 2014/15 forms.
@Micheal, you are definitely eligible for a postgraduate diploma, apply quickly.
@George UI would not accept you except you do a postgraduate diploma.
Azeem; courses related to Islamic studies/Arabic;
– Arabic Language
-Arabic Literature
-Islamic Studies
I have 3 Qes:
1. What PGD course is available and which i can apply for in UI PGD with my 3rd class Pure and Industrial chemistry with ICT 3 years working Exp.
2. How much is The Form and The School fees duration
3.Can i run the PGD and be working and am close to the sch Environ.
Hello,My name is femi,
Pls I ve 3rd class in chemistry,
pls which PGD cos can i apply for and which one is avail. and the sch fees infor:
pls Urgent
sorry, Is percular to UI
@ayo from Femi
Femi, you can apply for a professional masters in environmental chemistry and oil pollution control.
Good aft Mr ayodele john,thanks for being there to answer our questions!pls my name is Ruth,i finished with a 2:2(< 3.00) in Applied Physics from Lautech,and I want to do Msc information Science,pls can I apply for the course?thanks
Ruth, you can apply for that course. do so quickly, postgraduate applications in university of Ibadan would soon close
My name is blessing, please which masters can I apply for, having graduated with a 3rd class from ATBU Bauchi and have worked for more than 10 years now. thank you
Am still blessing from ATBU, Sorry I read Computer Science.thanks
Hello Mr ayodele, I'm still on NYSC service hoping to be tru by July,2015. I studied mechanical engineering with CGPA of 3.20 pls can I apply now for Msc in Mechanical Engineerin(thermoflow option) (2014/2015)? Please are my eligible with that CGPA
Olamilekan, you can't apply, you are not through with your NYSC, although I feel your CGPA should guarantee admission.
Good evening sir
please when will online registration close
I have paid for the form but not yet through with registration
Please i would like to know the chances of being offered admission for Phd program with the following qualifications: HND, PGD, Msc and MBA. Thanks for your quick response.
Admission criteria for a PhD programme is not based on the plethora of certificate, but on the condition that you meet a PhD grade in your Masters programme. PhD grade is normally 60% in Masters work for most universities
Plz which of the language and communication depts is less competitive for an english language student of 2.60 cgpa(2.2) to be admitted?
My name is junior. I read crop science in school, I want to study toxicology which is under crop protection and environmental biology. What are my chances of getting admitted.
I graduated with 2 1
Your chances are good
Hi Ayodele has uni Ibadan commenced sales of forms for 2014/2015 masters degree programmes; if yes, when is the closing date and how can one obtain a form? Fwangwar
Hi Mr Ayodele,i will like to find out about Masters in Haematology in UI. (duration, tution fees and other necessary details pleaseeee).Am a medical Doctor,i have primaries in Pathology with the Nigerian Postgraduate college of Physicians too.And to know when the forms will be out fo sale. Thank you and God bless
The 2014/15 postgraduate forms in UI should be closed by now.
Dear Ayodeji,
I had HND in banking and finance and Upper credit. can I apply for a Partime PGD programme ?
Ayodeji, you can apply, but it seems you are rather late. Apply next year
Hello Ayodeji,
I have second class upper in Crop production (option horticulture), can I apply for M. Sc. in Botany? Thanks.
Hi Ayodeji
Does rank of lecturer affect someone chances of getting admission. Becos I did not use any professor as my referee.
Is it true that the PG form is still on sale?
Yinka, the pg form sales have closed officially
Someone said he bought it on thursday
Were you given a course outside the one you wanted? You need not to be worried for you can do a change of course in any of the university, polytechnics colleges hear in Nigeria. Contact Mr. Derrick on 08159550624 or email at bentkesh@gmail.com to do a change of course to any one of your choice.
MR Derick thnk u very much. finally i checked yestday av been give civil egnrin not achitctur again
For anyone that is still interested in getting U.I form, d new closing date is on 17th October check d website to confirm.
Good evening. Iam a 2.1 graduate of health education. Can I be allowed to study msc educational psychology. Also, I want to know if you have a study centre in Lagos for the above mentioned program,pls.
good afternoon, my name is Jadesola. I obtained my B.Sc in microbiology and finished with a 2:1. I want to asked if I can be offered admission to study developmental psychology as it is not a science course. secondly, can I do it as a part time course and not full time. Thanks, will be looking forward to hearing from you.
The 2014/15 U.I form has closed already, till next year
I'm Kaothar, i'v applied for d pg already. So i want 2 ask of d date for d english proficiency test
Hi Mr Ayodele, my name is Nkechi. Pls confirm to me if the PhD form is still on sale and how much. Also, I did Edu Admin and planning, kindly confirm UI do offer the course. Thank you
is there a late registration 4m if there is how much does it cost & what is d chance of getin admission on late registration for a masters program in new testament studies with an upper credit
Helo mr ayo pls sir is there a late registeration for masters prorogramme in management?
No late registration for postgraduate progrmme at U.I, wait till next year
i want to know if ui offer phd in information technology
No, UI does not offer a PhD in information technology. The closest is in library and information science. similar courses are also in computer science dept.
i want to know about the test s the faculty of computer science are planning to do, do u have any idea of the questions they might ask or that they av asked before. cos they are saying we should read the basics and that is not good enough
English Proficiency, drop your email so that I will send you practice questions.
Olar26@yahoo.com,please i nid d one day is different from the one on d application page,olawunmi,tanx
My email is odunmbakuwale@yahoo.com thanks for the quick response Sir.
Dear Mr. Ayodele, I will appreciate if you could send some practising questions to my e-mail Sir. My e-mail address is odunmbakuwale@yahoo.com thank you Sir. Best regards.
i will appreciate if you can send some practising questions to my e-mail Sir. My e-mail address is adeoluokanlawon@gmail.com
Please I just applied for msc virology during this last sale of forms. Please I would lik to know when a new session would commence? Please what are the challenges in running as full time student compared to part time? Thank you
Please after the English proficiency exam do the virology dept. conduct any more exam?
Jeffey, its most likely. Read up related material on virology as you also prepare for the screening test. Some department even hold both on the same day
Good job Mr John. I graduated with 2.1 in mathematics, can i be admitted for M.Sc economics. I am Abiola.
Good job Mr John. I graduated with 2.1 in mathematics, can i be admitted for M.Sc economics. I am Abiola
From mathematics to economics, it would be difficult, because economics is very competitive in U.I
Pls I nid d sample question different from d one on d application page,olar26@yahoo.com
My name is Eniola; would lik to know if it is possible to apply for d masters prgm in financial mathematics directly ;finishd wit (3.49) 2 2 in mathematics.thank u
yes, you can apply.
hey Ayodele, i am Chris, a foreign trained graduate with a first class degree in international business. can i be admitted into masters of economics at ui or oau without NYSC certificate? though i have not gone for my youth service yet. many thanks!
Chris, you would not be admitted into any Nigerian university for a postgraduate programme without a NYSC discharge certificate or exemption letter. Its better you go for NYSC
pls when is UI resuming for 2014/2015 session
pls can i apply for masters in public administration@u.i.i hav m.sc.microbiology
Hi, am joy Please when is the result coming out for the English proficiency test that was written on the 22 of November 2014.
Pls I would like to know if UI offer masters in Finance or management and the requirement involve
The result of proficiency test is out. Check your mails.
Hello Mr Ayodele,pls wots d cut off mark for d proficiency exam written on d 22 of Nov.Thanks
Hello mr Ayodele….am tobi and I graduated with a 3rd class in physics..can I go for a pgd in theatre arts in ui….pls I would appreciate your response..thanks
Yes, you can
hello pls i want to confirm if U.I. offers pgd in medical physics, if yes wats d duration?
Is your PG forms on sale now? If not when? I'm interested in New Testament studies at PhD level
hello pls, how can i get the full programmes ui offered as masters
Pls, I'm a Library and Information Science graduate from University of Abuja with 2.1(3.62). What are the other criteria needed to be admitted for masters in U.I. In addition, how much is the school fees. Thanks.
my name is Joshua. pls i'd like to know when is next admission for Ui,OAU and FUTA. also pls with a PGD from NOUN gpa 3.45 do i stand a chance.
Please l need ur candid advice . Can someone with PGD Computer Science in unaab apply for msc in UI or other school.
I have been recommended by my department to PG school but my admission letter is not yet signed, what can I do
pls i nee information on their PGD programme, anyone with useful information can send it to this email address- funkesun@yahoo.com
pls is it possible to do masters in law in UI with a B.sc in Microbiology? if yes, wats d criteria
Hello, my name is jane
I graduated with a 2.2 (2.63) in bsc(ed) educational management will U.I take me ? I do my masters in curriculum development
Jane still I want to av my masters done on curriculum development*
Hello, am Mojisola. Pls I want to know when UI will start selling their pdg form for this year and also I studies Economics (ed). Pls what course is available in pdg in education in UI. Thanks
Still Moji…Studied rather
Hello…am a graduate of obafemi awolowo university ile ife. Studied dramatic arts n had a 2.2. I want to apply for master in medical sociology in ui and I want to know if I would be taken. Tx
^^^ You would be moving from faculty of Art to social science, am not sure U.I would accept you, because you dont have a background in that area.
Hello, am TAIWO, i have HND statistics with Upper Credit and has been working for the past 6years, can i apply (PART-TIME) for MBA OR Master in FINANCIAL MATHS would ui take me without going through pdg??
Hello, am TAIWO, i have HND statistics with Upper Credit and has been working for the past 6years, can i apply (PART-TIME) for MBA OR Master in FINANCIAL MATHS would ui take me without going through pdg??
greetings bro.you doing a great job. i studied chemical engineering in my undergraduate study. does ui offer any environmental related course and which?
greetings bro I studied applied microbiology with a 2.1 I want to pursue a MSC IN PHARMACEUTICAL micobiology .pls do i stand a chance?
Good day Mr Ayo, my question is that I studied Chemical Engineering in Lagos State Polytechnic, and I graduated with 2.51. Is there any chance in UI to do my PGD in Petroleum Engineering in part time, with the background in Chemical Engineering?
I'm a 3rd class graduate of microbiology from LASU, will like to enrol for pgd in drug analysis from dept of pharmaceutical chemistry, my problem is that there is a mistake with my first name in my WAEC certificate dec 1996 , hope it won't disturb my eligibility to be a student in university of ibadan
Hello, temitayo, get a sworn affidavit. that should settle it
pls mr ayo, can someone with professional pgd in drug development from Centre For Drug Discovery, Development and Production in university of ibadan apply for masters in pharmaceutical microbiology…pls reply asap
Mr ayo , am about getting Master form but want to be sure my Chance.I studied SLT biochemistry option with cgpa of 3.20, want to apply for masters in biochemistry… will need your reply urgently.. thanks for your help
Go ahead and apply. My advice- get your past lecturer and another on in the department at U.I to sign your refree form, also make sure you pass the English screening test
Mr ayo, will I b admitted to do my masters in petroleum geology with a BSc degree(3.4 gpa) in botany from uniben? Please ur reply is needed urgently. thanks.
NO, dont bother applying
Ok. Is there a way for me to do PGD in UI and then apply for the MSc in petroleum geology?
Mr Ayo, I am a graduate of insurance from poly ibadan wt 4.05cgpa wt a year working experience….I wish to apply for professional master in managerial psychology, ll i b admited or should I go for postgraduate diploma first
Are you OND or HND graduate?
Mr Ayo,
I am mayowa a graduate of Elect/Elect Eng Futa. i wish to apply for Master in Information Resource Management. Do i stand a chance of getting admitted with a cgpa of 2.86
my name is joseph,a graduate of physics (cgpa 4.17) i will like to obtain a masters degree from ui in instrumentation and control engineering, will it be possible?
I am graduate of Urban and Regional Planning (3.42) from FUT Minna. Pls is facility mgt available for Msc and if not which other curse is available in that category and will I be admitted.
Good day Mr. John, I've applied for UI postgraduate, pls, I need past questions on the English proficiency test. adekolajoadeshile@yahoo.com. Thank you for your anticipated help!
Can i get Msc Civil Engineering, Part-Time option?
Hello Sir.
Pls I have applied for my masters program in University of Ibadan,I've already made payments too… I had a 1st degree in Biochemistry, finished with a 3rd class and applied for a M.Sc in Pharmaceutical Microbiology, I want to know if that would be possible and what advice you can give me.
Your reply would be much appreciated.
Please I have a B.Tech in Microbiology and jst finished my NYSC, can I apply for MPH?
hi there, i have a 2.2 b.tech in agric econs and extension, what are the chances of me applying for msc in economis
Hi all, does my one know if I can apply for an msc programme without an NYSC
Hi, am an HND holder, can i apply for PGD
Hi, please does UI offer PGD in microbiology? If yes are the forms for enrollment out? Thanks in anticipation for your reply.
i am a Master Of Instructional Technology from ABUZARIA and interested in studying PHD Educational Technology from your institution. help me.
Please does ui dlc offers mathematics as a teaching subject? Whats the structure of their fees
pls. can someone that has not serve(nysc) be eligible for admission for Msc program?
I have 2.1 in my class of degree in Public Administration from University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Can I be admitted to an M.Sc degree programme of University of Ibadan
Dear John.My name is Emma Vernyuy and I am a Cameroonian and wish to pursue an Msc in Environmental health.Does UI offer this course and if yes what could be the fee for a foreign student like me.Thanks
UI offeres the course, in many variants. Am not sure about the fee, but i would surely be higher since you are a foreign student
Good mrng Mr John , Pls I want to knw if UI offers Msc in Housing management as a course or any related courses to it.
hi, i'm folayemi, a graduate of economics with cgpa 2.8. pls can i apply for masters in economics without a pg diploma in UI. a reply will be appreciated.thanks
Yemi, i would advise you not to apply, because of your low cgpa. Try a state university
From experience, U.I may not admit you because of your CGPA. Msc Economics is very competitive at university of Ibadan
morning, Mr John, i want to enquire about Phd application for 2015/2016.DETAILS; B.sc HEALTH EDUCATION (2.1), M.SC (3.57) UNILAG
Thanks for sharing nice information with us. I like your post and all you share with us is upto date and quite informative, i would like to bookmark the page so i can come here again to read you, as you have done a wonderful job PG Courses For Civil Engineers
Samvit, you can send a mail to Rhymeyjohn@yahoo.com and let us promote your institutions to Nigerians
Samvit, send a mail to rhymeyjohn@gmail.com, let us promote your institution to Nigerians
Samvit, send a mail to rhymeyjohn@gmail.com, let us promote your institution to Nigerians
hello mr ayo,am segun,i read mining engineering from kadpoly with upper credit.can i apply for masters directly in environmental chemistry and pollution control or mining geology?or does UI run PGD in these courses i have mentioned.better still,what advice could u give on these courses.thanks
any idea on what the written test looks like @ the computer science department for masters students. please i need help. thanks.
Practice JAMB use of English, You'll be fine.
I am olaniyi I did economics edu in ma first degreeand ended with 3.0 and wish to do my MSc in agricultural ecnomics or educational management hope I will be taken and hope the form is still availableee?thanks
And pls what does the test questions looks like?
I'm a B.tech graduate 2.80 CGPA from a Fed.Uni(2012) I don't have an Olevel in Lit-in-eng. What are my chances for a professional Masters of Communication Art at UI?and even an academic masters in same field.
I have BSc. In physics & industrial physics from Nnamdi Azikiwe University and I wish to do masters in mechanical engineering,what are my chances? When will forms be on sale again
Hello Mr. Ayodele, i will like to apply for masters in computer science at u.i. I have a b.sc in mathematics (3rd class) and a pgd in computer science. I will like to know if this enough criteria fro admission into the masters program
Pls sir,can I study chemistry science masters level in university of Ibadan ,having an undergraduate degree in chemistry education with 3.92.
Mr ayo welldone,please I want to know the form in which departmental test of public health use to take.
I studied SLT (Microbiology option) with lower credit HND in ospoly, which PGD programme can I get.
It depends on your interest. Pgd can be done in any other field
Plz bro how eligible am I for m.phil economics in u.i had m.sc economics Unilag with 3.23
I have 2.1 in English from N.O.U.N pls I want to know my chances of being admitted into U.I pgs. Then which course can I apply for and be sure of admission? I really want to have my masters from this school. Help me pls.
Same person, different questions. Are you for real?
Yes sir, I studied English. But I asked the other question for my brother who doesn’t live in Ibadan but wants to come for his post graduate and masters here in Ibadan.
Pls can someone who did business admin in HND and Bsc do public administration in masters here in U.I?
If not what do u advice such a person to go for?
Yes.. but you must have high CGPA. Msc public administration AT UI is competitive
The part time in UI for PROFESSIONAL MASTERS IN BUSINESS COMPUTING. is it weekend or week days. I need detail info about it
B.Sc (Ed)Physics with 2.1
I wish to have my M.Sc( Physics).
I hope I will be given the admission
Yes. Make sure you pass the English proficiency test and submit your Transcripts
Pls. Do ui have clinical microbiology in science.
Medical microbiology
Do ui have clinical microbiology option as MSC course in the department of microbiology
Please I need to ask you this
I graduated with second class upper in mass communication from a private Univeristy which is Wesley Univeristy
I have the intention of doing my post graduate of communication language and Art please what is the chances of me being admitted to the school
And please can you tell me the way the result is being calculated so that I can prepare ahead of time
Thank you.
For university of Ibadan, make sure your transcript get to the department. Als score high in the EPT. Your chances are high with a 2.1