Academic Vacancies at Landmark University

Landmark University is a private University situated in Omu-aran, Kwara State. Nigeria. As an apex educational institution, it is focused on teaching, learning, research, and community service by promoting a lasting culture of excellence for the advancement of humanity. The campus is IT – driven, which empowers every focused academic towards achieving a fulfilled career experience.

Applications are Invited from qualified candidates to fill the following positions:

Department: Civil Engineering


2 Associate Professor
3 Senior Lecturer Civil
4 Lecturer I
5 Lecturer II

Department: Chemical Engineering

12 Associate Professor
13 Senior Lecturer
Lecturer I
15 Lecturer II

Department: Electrical and Information

Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II

Department: Mechanical Engineering

Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
1Lecturer I
Lecturer II


Professor Accounting
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II

Professor Banking and Finance
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II

Professor Business Administration
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II

Professor Political Science
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II

Professor International Relations
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II

Non Academic Vacancies

E-Learning Administrator 15/Mar/2017
47 Web Developer/Programmer 15/Mar/2017
48 Computer Operator 15/Mar/2017
49 Telecom Technician 15/Mar/2017
50 Laboratory Technologist Civil Engineering 31/Mar/2017
51 Laboratory Technologist Electrical and Information Engineering 31/Mar/2017
52 Laboratory Technologist Mechanical Engineering 31/Mar/2017
53 Purchasing Officer 31/Mar/2017
54 Brand Manager 31/Mar/2017
55 Counsellor 31/Mar/2017
56 Administrative Officer I 31/Mar/2017
57 Business Development Manager 31/Mar/2017
58 Guest House Manager 31/Mar/2017

Application Closing Date
31st March, 2017.

Method of Application

Interested and qualified candidates should submit Ten (10) copies of their applications and detailed Curriculum Vitae (stating their names; dates of birth; state of origin/nationality; marital status etc.)

Section (a) Personal Data
Name (surname first)
Date of birth
Local govt. Area
State of origin
Marital status
Number of children
Contact address
Residential address
Telephone number
E-mail address
Present position
Current salary
Post applied for
Section (b) Educational History
Institutions attended with dates
Academic and professional qualifications
Teaching experience:
Academic rank held
Academic position held
Course taught
Honours, scholarship, fellowships and prizes/awards
Statement of personal research focus and institutional academic development plan
Publication and journals (international/local)
Contribution to book (international/local)
Manuscript submitted for publication
Unpublished conferences/workshop paper and public lectures
Conferences attended
B.Sc/M.Sc/Ph.D supervision
Academic linkages
Membership or learning societies and professional bodiesNames and addresses of three (3) Referees (at least one of whom must, where appropriate, be the Head of the applicant’s current place of employment); and 2 of 3 referees should make specific statements on the competence base of the candidate’s research and academic pedigree.
Three (3) set of credentials.
Applications should be submitted either directly to the Registrar’s Office or by postage in a sealed envelope indicating “Vacancies for Academic Staff” at the top left corner of the envelop. Please note that former applicants need to update their application in line with the above. In addition, candidates should click here home to complete the application form online.

The sealed envelope should be sent to:
The Registrar,
Landmark University,
1001, Omu Aran,
Kwara State,



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