The vice-chancellor of the University of Port Harcourt, Ndowa Lale said this at the 31st convocation news briefing in Port Harcourt, Rivers state that the conferment of degrees, higher degrees, diploma, certificates and prizes will hold at the university from March 24 to March 25.
In the higher/postgraduate degree category 1,109 bagged post-graduate diploma certificates, 2,223 candi
dates received masters degree and 331 students will be conferred with doctorate degree.
The convocation was across 10 faculties and drawn from 2014 to 2016 academic sessions.
The convocation kicked-off with a lecture titled “The Mandate of Higher Educational Institutions and Global Expectations”, by Jonas Redwood-Sawyer, vice-chancellor of University of Sierra Leone and chairman of the board of the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) on March 23.
Postgraduate Nigeria big congrats to all convocants.