There are myraids of blogs on different subjects, but specifically a number of blogs for higher education or postgraduate studies.
Postgraduate blogs, just as this, covers issues specific to graduate education, like entry examination (GRE, IELTS, Postgraduate screening), admission, scholarships and research. It also shares personal experiences of postgraduate students either at Master, Doctoral or Postdoctoral stages of graduate study.
The writers of such blogs also vary, from enthusiasts, to journalists and many times, postgraduate students themselves.
Postgraduate Nigeria brings you the top 5 higher education & postgraduate blogs we recommend. If we omit any one, you believe deserves to be on the list, drop a comment & we can review it.
- This is a postgraduate website that offers more than regular blogs. With a focus on U.K universities, offers every information from postgraduate course advice, to best schools for a particular postgraduate programme, scholarship tips, travel advice, thesis writing information & so on.
- Sayas Blog: This is a South African based postgraduate blog with a focus on Africa. SAYAS means- South African Academy of Science. SAYAS gives voice to the postgraduate students to share their experiences in the South African context. Young academics share in a free language, their perspectives on postgraduate study.
- IEFA: International Education Financial Aid website. This is a top website listing scholarships and financial aid/grants to postgraduate students. Although, it is not focused on postgraduate study, it provide many resources and articles that are beneficial to postgraduate students.
- My Although not necessarily a blog, this is a very informative Nigeria based website with a global reach. provides lastest information on postgraduate admissions in Nigeria, giving you up-to-date info you may not find else where.
- Warwick postgraduate student blog: As the name clearly shows, it is a blog by the university of Warwick in U.K, and written by current postgraduate students of the university. The PG students share their view on serious academic matters as winning postgraduate scholarships, journal & thesis writing. The blog also features mundane matters that concern postgraduate students like traveling on tours while in postgraduate school and many others. On warwick postgraduate student blog, you can feel the vibes of many postgraduate students discussing many issues.
- Add Yours: Mention a blog you have visited and found educative and entertaining as a postgraduated student.
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