International Oil giant, Total, in collaboration with the Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) has floated it 2021/2022 international Masters scholarships. The international scholarship is for various masters degree programs in different French universities and institutions.
Application Deadline
Tuesday, 17th March 2021.
Selection and shortlist begins by April 2021. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited.
For more detail information about Total Masters scholarships visit www.careers.total.com
Courses and Institutions for 2021/2022 Total /NNPC Masters Scholarships
Only courses listed under each institution are awarded the prestigious scholarships.
- IFP School
- Petroleum Geoscience- geology
- Petroleum Geoscience- geophysics
- Reservoir Geosciences and Engineering
- Process and Polymer
- Petroleum Economics and Management
- Petroleum Data management
- Ecole des Mines d’Ales IMT
- Disaster Management
- Environment
- Human and social sciences
- Information et Communication Technologies (18 month academic program + 6 month internship , Possibility of doing it home country or in France)
- Ecole des Mines de Nantes IMT Atlantique (Engineering and environment)
- Project Management for Environnemental and Energy Engineering (PM3E) – 2 years
- Process and Bioprocess Engineering – Project Management for Environmental & Energy Engineering (PM3E) 2 years
- Management and Optimization of Supply Chains & Transport (18 month acadamic program + 6 month internship)
- Ecole Centrale de Nantes (Engineering)
- Applied Mechanics on Computational Structural MechanicsMaster in Applied Mechanics on Design of Production and Systems
- Applied Mechanics on Metallic and Composites Complex Assemblies
- Control Engineering and Production Systems on Automatic control, Robotics, Signal and mage
- Institut Supérieur d’Électronique de Paris (ISEP)
- Master Degree in computer Science
- INSA Toulouse (Engineering)
- Fluids Engineering for Industrial Processes – 2 years
- Safety Engineering and Management – 1 year
- Advanced Master on Innovative and secure IoT systems – 1 year
- ICSI Toulouse
- Safety Engineering and Management (HSE) – 2 years
- Arts et Metiers ParisTech
- Petroleum Geosciences & Engineering/ forage et Production
- Knowledge Integration in Mechanical Production
- Materials and Engineering Sciences
- ENSG Lorraine
- Subterranean Reservoirs of Energy: Hydrodynamics Geophysics – Modeling
- Chemistry International Studies (Chem.I.St)
- International Master “SIMOS“ : SIMulation and Optimization of energy Systems
For more institutions and courses, visit https://krb-sjobs.brassring.com/TGnewUI/Search/Home/Home?partnerid=30080&siteid=6558#jobDetails=1794522_6558
2021/2022 Total/NNPC Masters Scholarships Application Procedure
- Visit www.careers.total.com to begin
- Click on “APPLY” on the navigation bar
- Next select “Our Offers” and “choose” your language preference
- Click on “Advanced Search”
- ln the “Country” text box type ‘Nigeria’
- ln the “Functional discipline” option box select ‘Research Innovation & Development’
- Then click “Search” to display the advertised Scholarship program in Nigeria.
- Click on the “Total International Scholarship” to view details of the application. You can then complete an online application form by clicking on ‘Apply to job’ at the bottom of the page.