A newly appointed professor at University of Idaho, United States has penned a glowing remark of his outstanding achievement as a Black American academic scholar.
Dr. Sydney Freeman is a scholar in Higher Education Administration. He shared this on LinkedIn

“Humbled to share that I will be the 1st African American (American Descendant of Slaves) man to be promoted to rank of Full Professor at the University of Idaho, the state’s flagship research university. I am the first but working as hard as I can so that I won’t be the last. God is awesome!”
” I earned this rank in 5 years and 7 months on tenure track. For context, it takes most faculty 10-12 years to earn this rank and the average age of Full Professors is 55. I am 36 years old. I also want to acknowledge Dr. Wudineh Admassu, the first person of African descent (born and raised in Ethiopia) to earn the rank of full professor at the University of Idaho. Additionally, I would like to acknowledge Professor Shaakirrah Sanders, who blazed the trail before for me. In 2019, she became the first and remains the only Black woman to earn the rank of full professor at the University of Idaho. I want to thank my village of supporters, starting with my wife, parents, in-laws, siblings, extended family, colleagues, and friends for their support.”
” I graduated with a 2.3 gpa from Pine Forge Academy and a 2.64 gpa from Oakwood College. It is amazing what God can do through a person who one scholar said, “could not write one decent coherent sentence”
We at Postgraduate Nigeria are quite impressed at such remarkable achievement. We celebrate black and minorities progress