Postgraduatenigeria earlier broke the news about the 2014/15 screening exams for prospective postgraduate applicants who applied. This post is just to give you necessary information you may need. Drop your questions in the comments for it to be answered.

  1. The Postgraduate Screening exams began last year, with a lot of issues
  2.  Many applicant missed the exams for various reasons which bothered from inadequate dissemination of the information (that’s why we are here now), distance e.t.c
  3. The screening is for both Masters and Ph.D applicants.
  4. Last year’s screening was a general aptitude test. It was not specific to the course you are applying for.
  5. The P.G school is still receiving transcripts. Its very important that your transcript reaches the P.G schools or you would be denied admission.
  6. Your success in the screening test does not necessarily guarantee your admission, but your failure in it can stamp your admission denial. It just a means of weeding out very incompetent students.
  7. You can check how last year’s admission process went by clicking [here] for more information
  8. Last years P.G screening questions is available. You can request yours by dropping your email. Its for a token.

God Bless.


  1. Pls i need the pg past questions ASAP. Is it same question for everyone? If its not,i applied for Msc in Chemical Pathology under Faculty Of Health Science and Technology. My email is rosyrichy@gmail.com. Eagerly awaiting your reply. Thanks!

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