Why PGD anyway?
A PGD serves more as a entry qualification for a Masters degree programme. While having a Bachelor degrees would suffice for postgraduate admission, certain situations warrant the need for a PGD.
Majorly, a PGD is needed when seeking Masters admission to a specialization that your is outside the scope of the Bachelors degree. This means, it is possible to switch course of study or career paths, without restarting a new four/five years Bachelors degree.
No matter your new fancy or interest. PGD makes the switch possible and maybe faster. Note didn’t say easier. Case in point, bachelors graduate of chemistry, can do a Masters in Chemical Engineering after a postgraduate diploma PGD in Chemical Engineering.
In addition, a PGD is needed if there was a poor or below standard academic performance. In this case, PGD is needed to prove that the certain prerequisite grade. Its is also needed to show that the student can meet the intellectual demands of doing the Masters degree of the course of study, and the poor performance at previous Bachelors degrees was probably due to exigencies. Doing a PGD, serves as a foundation programme in this respect. Many Universities outside Nigeria called PGD, Foundation Masters or Pre-Masters. They all serve the same purpose.
In Nigeria in particular, PGD is required for HND (Higher National Diploma) graduate by some University before proceeding for a Masters programme.
What type of PGD should you study for?
The are PGD programmes in virtually every course of study. But the most popular seems to be the postgraduate diploma in education (PGDE). This is necessary for all who desire to be teachers at any level (primary – university) but did not study education. There are also PGD in Journalism, PGD in Engineering, PGD in some medical fields and PGD Business Administration, Marketing, Finance, Economics etc.
How long for a PGD?
Duration for a PGD programme depends on specific schools. It ranges from a year to two. The shortest time would not be less than 9 months. The duration for a PGD is also dependent types of study, full time, part time, sandwish or distance learning. Do note the unlike M.Phil. PGD is a terminal programme, except in rare cases. Admission for a Masters degree is not automatic, and this prospective student needs to apply formally.
Whatever your choices are, sure you are better informed about what PGD is all about. Any questions? Don’t hesitate to ask in the comments.
Pls is it possible to apply for a masters programme outside nigeria with a postgraduate diploma certificate
I have HND and PGD (Futminna) looking for a university in Southwest to do Mtech
How many year is PGD in fut Mina please
Over a year
Try Federal University of Technology, Akure.
Dickson can you please call me on 08083791157
please what is your discipline
Good afternoon Mr Ayodele, please I graduated with a 3rd class degree in public health. Do I have to do PGD before applying for masters ? If yes which of the universities offers PGD in public health.
Hello Rachel, you can do a pgd in any basic medical science course
Good morning sir plz I have HND in Urban and regional planning and my cgp is 2.8 cand I Apply for PGD? If yes which university can I apply to and when can I apply?
I have HND and PGD (Futminna) all in architecture. looking for a university in Southwest to do Mtech
In what course?
Check lautech
Pls Sir I graduated with distinction in nutrition and dietetics, is there any uni that can take me for MSc? Or can I gain direct entry admission into 3ooL and which school?
Hello, please I finished with 2.79 cgpa from oau….microbiology… Can I do PGD in microbiology and then do direct entry into health sciences courses…dnt know if universities take PGD as direct entry into medicine, nursing or pharmacy
You can’t get into medicine, pharmacy and nursing through pgd. They are professionals courses. You have to start from JAMB
I’m an HND holder In polymer technology ,is it possible to choose a nursing or computer course for postgraduate diploma in Uniben?
Good evening Sir, I’ve a second uppers degree in Physics Education can I do a Pgd in engineering?
Yes … you’re well suited
I studied education chemistry can I switch off to industrial engineering
If you meet the O’level requirements you can apply for a pgd engineering
Pls between BSC and PGDE which of this is superior in the academic line
Yes, it is possible. Get your pgde transcript ready and submit it during application
Please, is it possible to apply for a masters programme outside nigeria (in Australia) , with a postgraduate diploma certificate from Nigeria.
pls a frd of mine graduated with HND pass result…he read business administration …does he stil have any chance of doing PGD in any Nigeria universities..
I graduated with hnd pass and I read business administration I don’t no d university or college of education to do pgd
Nice Post. Short and educative. But please, can one get a list of credible PGDE centres, including universities and if you can, tuition fees. God bless
thanks. list of PGDE centers will be a tough but possible one. Check the home page as some will surely come
please which University or schools give admission for masters directly after HND without all dis PGD stuff
Its very difficult to get a Nigerian university. But your course would determine its finite possibility of a direct Masters admission
Good day sir.
I am a graduate of building technology in polytechnic with lower credit. Please sir, wish to know the University In South East of Nigeria or any other geo political region that offers admission into Pgd in estate management or any other course in environmental
please which university can admit an hnd holder with a pass result
You would need to do a PGD first, before you can be admitted into Master degree programme
Hello,BSC(edu) & HND
Which has more value
I finished with pass in fine art painting technology which school can I do my PGD pls?
Pgd in fine and applied art
Please can someone with HND Lower credit in computer science get admission for a master’s degree without going through PGD?
No, except abroad. Purchase my e-manual about getting a master’s degree abroad with HND. It cost just 4,500 naira
want to know how the distance learning PGD can be achieved
you can try UNILAG Masters sandwish or NOUN PGD
Are they any universities in Nigeria that can give admission to HND distinction holders without PGD?
It depends on the course. What course did you read at HND and your intended course for masters
I read computer science and want to do I.T in masters
Please, I am a degree holder, finished from fine arts OAU, specialized in painting, now I want to do masters in graphic design but in another school, couldn’t find my course in Unilag, but yabatech has graphic design as a department,..but offers only PGD, what should I do?
Hello, there are other institution that offer graphic design at masters. check UNN and UI
I graduated with 3rd class in education B.sc. any Nigeria institution that can give me Master degree program direct without deplooma?
Which university can admit hnd holder with a pass result?
What course are you interested in?
pls i graduated with HND upper in Banking and finance and i want to do PGD in accounting or finance only. which university can i get it
Good. Pgd in accounting or finance is in line
What is the lowest CGPA that will qualify one to enroll for an M.Sc with the new NUC grading system. And the list of such schools. Thanks.
Oge, it depends on the university and course. But it generally 3.0/5 that would be expected
Please, what is the fees range for PGDD
Please, which school(s) offer Post Graduate Diploma in Education and fees range. Thanks.
Unilag, LASU, OOU,Adekule Ajasin university.
Unilag is the most expensive. I can advise you to do the PGDE with NTI. They have a lot of satellite campus around and not too costly
Please I want to know too I have HND in business administration and I want to go into education line. I need advice please
By education you mean to be a teacher. See this blog post https://postgraduatenigeria.com/2019/06/national-teachers-institute-pgde-programme/
I’m a graduate of law with third class, will I be allowed to study pharmacy as a second degree through direct entry?
Again, it is possible to study PGD outside Nigeria?
Hello, your questions are somewhat confusing.
To study pharmacy after a Law degree, you would need to rewrite O’level. The SSCE that qualifies you for law wouldn’t be acceptable for pharmacy. That means starting all over.
I’m not clear about the pgd part
Sir, can someone with a third class in Educational management , B.Ed. enrol in PGDE. Especially with NTI.
Yes, you can
Please which universities can I enroll for PGD am a graduate with HND in chemical engineering With lower credit
Uniport, uniben, unilag all offer PGD in chemical engineering
I am graduate of Electrical Electronic engineering in (Power option) – HND lower credit and intend going for PGD in measurement and instrumentation, please, which school will be ok for students leaving in PH ? And is it advisable for engineering students to do this kind of program in a satellite campuses?
In an estimate what could be the cost estimate for running this kind of program?
FUTO or Rsust would are good schools for pgd. I can’t tell you about the cost. Just prepare for 3 semesters work
Please I graduated with third class in sociology. please which course can I do for my PGD
Hello Mercy,
Any course of interest in social and management sciences
Hello sir what about someone who studied Architecture in the polytechnic and I’m on 3.0 do I need to go for pgd.
Be for masters
I don’t think there’s a pgd in Architecture. In the university, is a professional course and Architects are already like master degree holders cos they spend 6years.
hello i graduated wit pass nd i studied public admin,currently serving,bt wnt to knw which university can accept pass result nd which course do u think i cn do. at d pgd level
There’s no more pass degree… so did you graduate from a polytechnic?
which university can I go for PGD in Nigeria cause I graduated with 3rd class in political science and international relations ?
And can I apply for masters after that?
Yes, you can apply for a masters after PGD
Sir,i studied public Admin in hnd and graduated with pass,pis i want to knw hw many yrs wil it take mi b4 i enroll for pgd,and which course do u think i can do at d university 4 my pgd
Hello Dennis, I didn’t get your question. How many years in what way?
wat i mean is dat,somepple do say dat 4 some1 who graduated wit pass,it we take dat person like 2yrs after nysc b4 he or she cn proceed to pgd,wnt to knw hw tru is dis statement..cos i also came out wit pass in public admin @ ibpoly,which course do u think i cn do at pgd level nd which university,thanks.
1 what is the difference between post graduated diploma and bachelor science?
2 how many years can it takes someone to run post graduated programme part time
Hello, please is it possible to apply for PGD and also start the programme before finishing NYSC?
It’s not possible. You must do pgd first
Pls I want to know if I can use PgD result from noun to apply for masters In unilag
Yes… but it depends. . Give me more info so I can help. Pgd in what course and masters in which area
How can someone who graduated with pass can enroll for pdg programme in other related field to computer engineering.. which school fee among this various universities are cheaper for the pdg programme and how many years will it take to acquired pgd certificate.
Hello Rasheed, next time make your questions clearer.
You can do a computer pgd at National Open University of Nigeria. NOUN.
It’s cost effective
Good morning Sir,
Please my question is i had pass i accounting in my HND and i want to do Pgd program, but i had information that Unilag is not offering Pgd program but i need university around Lagos state . Can you please suggest which university with expenses in getting the adminsion.
Thank you.
If it must be in Lagos, try NOUN or any of the Private universities around
I graduated with a 3rd class and I intend to do pgd in OAU. Is it possible?
Yes…. very possible. . Apply for the pgd
Good day Sir, please I’m very much in need of a helpful information.
I graduated with CGP of 3.41 in Public Administration from polytechnic and wish to advance my study in the same field.
My questions :
1. What’s the duration for undergoing PGD?
2. Do you think uniport is a better option since I live in PortHarcourt?
3. Will it be possible to switch into law ,if yes, what’s the anticipated duration of the study.
Thanks as I wait for your kind response.
pls which is preferrable after hnd pgd or masters and which school
Pgd after HND
If u do pgd in education, can u be given admission for master in other field of studies.If yes,pls which university?
No, it can only be in Education field.
Hello sir , please can I apply for PGD diploma without NYSC certificate
Yes, but during admission screening you have to present the NYSC discharge or exemption
pls I want to knw duration for PGD in engineering and education, and is it possible to cross from engineering(HND) to education(PGD)
I studied office technology and management with upper credit which course will I do for my pgd program
pls is HND holder with pass studying business administration able to apply to pdg…
Plz is pgd form on sale now UNN precisely..? If yes when they recruit. On serving now but I want to buy the form against next yr
Is any university in nigerian accepted pass degree to run for PGD Program? If there is pls notify me.
How long will it take to run pgd in mechanical and what universities, thanks sir!.
Pls I have upper credit in accounting from polytechnic (HND). Is it possible to go for master directly or must I do PGD before I can qualify for master degree?
Good day.
Is there any university which does Construction Technology PGD program. I have UPPER credit in Architecture and will like to apply for PGD in construction technology.
Check FUT Minna
Nice and succuint post.
Is there a particular CGPA one has to reach to be able to do PGD after finishing with a 3rd class from the university.
For instance, I heard if one’s Gp is lower than 2.0, one won’t be able to do PGD at all. How true is this please?
hello Tiwatope, you can always do a PGD with a 3rd class degree. The CGPA scale had be revised by NUC and presently, there is no more pass degree
Please I will like to know the universities that can accept a HND graduate with distinction in marketing for masters programme in marketing too without doing pgd
Pls which school accept pass in hnd level to gain admission for PGD pls i need urgent respond
For which course?
Hello ayodele, I want to go for masters in public health but I finished with a 3rd class. Which type of pgd can I go for that would be accepted to study MPH. Cos I can’t seem to find any pgd in public health
Pgd is any basic medical science course
I want to study Masters in Public health (MPH) but i graduated with a 3rd class in physiology. what PGD course can i do to qualify for an MPH in Nigeria. Could you also please recommend Universities. Thanks!
Please i graduated with 2nd class lower in health education and i want to study master’s in public health (MPH). Can i do PDG in public health??? To qualify for MHP
I graduated with a second class lower in electrical/electronics engineering. What I want to find out I can I use it to enroll for master degree.
Yes, you can apply directly for a Masters. What’s your CGPA
Hello admin uni port do they offer PGD in public administration or is there any related course I can do I graduated with HND pls I need urgent answer.
I can’t get correct info on uniport at this time. If you graduated with a HND upper credit with 3year experience, apply directly for MPA in Uniben
I have HND in banking and finance with upper credit, which university accept HND holders for PGD program and how many years it.
If you want to do a PGD in Banking and Finance, virtually all Nigerian university offering the course would accept you. UNILAG, UNIBEN, OOU, OAU
i have upper credit in banking and finance (HND) i wish to do masters in finance/economics in the united states of America in few years and i am in my early 30s.
1. should i do top-up (HND-Bsc) while i am still in the country?
if yes,
i. which school is preferable?
ii. duration?
2. should i apply for my PGD?
if yes,
i. which school?
ii. duration?
N.B: i live in Lagos
Hello Ben,
Do a pgd in a school with fast and stable academic calendar. Preferably private university or NOUN. Maximum of 18 months.
During this time, prepare and write GRE. With a good score you can apply for Masters in US with scholarship
I have Hnd in computer science, can I do pgd in civil engineering or building tech?
Upper/lower credit for Polytechnics, and first/second class for Uni.
Please what is the grading system like for PGD?
Please sir I graduated with lower credit in surveying and geoinformatics from the polytechnic and am asking if I can apply for the pgd in same course at unilag
I studied Agricultural engr. in polytechnic and graduated with upper credit. Is it possible to apply for PGD with statement of result without NYSC certificate? 2. can one go direct to master’s degree with statement of result?
It depends on the university you applying to for the PGD. Generally, after 12 months, you should not be using statement of result again
can one apply for PGD with nysc exemption certificate?
Yes, you can apply
am na in hnd final yr. can apply 4 pgd as soon as i graduate nxt yr b4 going 4 nysc? pgd in edu.
Yes you can apply, but you would need your NYSC certificate when registration begins. Except it’s an affiliated or distant learning PGD
Ayodele John thank u for ur help. I will like to apply it in Unizik or Futo, is it good?
what is the difference between nysc certificate and nysc exemption letter certificate
Pls as an HND holder in Pub Admin currently teaching, should I apply for NTI PGDE then go for M. Edu? Or PGD then MSc Public admin?
Yes,it’s good
I made an online payment for the purchase of PGDE form. My network was bad so I couldn’t complete the registration. Now I want to continue after logging in, I was asked to confirm my RRR which I did, but it’s not working. Was prompted to pay again. Pls help
Please can one who graduated with 3rd class in political science apply for pgd in psychology or law….. If no, please which other courses can the person go for?
There is no PGD in Law. Its a professional course. You can study for a PGD in public administration, political science and sociology
I graduated with Pass in Business Administration and Management (HND), 2015.
Which University can I Apply for PGDE in Business Administration and Management in Niger Delta region.
PGDE is for education. you can apply for a PGDE in Business Education at UNIPORT
I have a Bsc in Geophysics but I have been teaching english language & communication skills with passionate proficiency for a while now.
As it is, I need to switch career path to my passion for teaching the English language and I’m working on running a PGD programme.
Please,can I actually run a PGD in either English, communication arts or journalism to make me eligible for a subsequent masters degree either in English studies, communication arts or mass communication ?
I anticipate your kind response!
Can a graduate of natural sciences (who now wants to change career line to teaching communication & English skills ) run a PGD in mass communication , PGD in English or PGDE in English education ?
Is NTI certificate accepted everywhere in the world when you tender it ?
I had HND lower credit in environmental biology,
can i apply for pdg public health.
Yes… Apply
What Is the duration of PGDE at NOUN.
Please sir, I graduated with Second class lower in Education management, which course can I enroll for in PGD If am going to apply for masters in Human Resource Management.
2. And which university can accept me. Thanks
You may try a Pgd in business administration. So schools may accept you directly if you have years of experience in management
Thanks for the update, can you please give me at least names of three good schools that dose PGD in Engineering and computer sciences with tuition fees if you can.
Pgd UNILAG – 3 Semesters. About 200,000 naira
Pls I want to know if PGD can be achieved as a part time programme. I mean if it’s came be a weekend class.
Yes, many universities offer pgd part time. But you would spend more money and time
Please can one apply for masters in education with NTI PGDE certificate? Thanks
Yes you can NTI PGD is acceptable everywhere
Finished with a third class in civil engineering. Can I do pgd without nysc certification? And, is there pgd for civil engineering in futminna, ABU and Unijos?
You need excemption letter. Futminna should be offering pgd civil engineering
Am a graduate in Geography and environmental management, I want 2 know d cut off mark or 2 know d qualification 2 help me run my masters in pgde in NTI or is it automatic masters after PGDE in NTI?
Mr. Ayodele ,
I have a Bsc in Geophysics but I have been teaching english language & communication skills with passionate proficiency for a while now.
As it is, I need to switch career path to my passion for teaching the English language and I’m working on running a PGD programme.
Please,can I actually run a PGD in either English, communication arts or journalism to make me eligible for a subsequent masters degree either in English studies, communication arts or mass communication ?
Wow! Kudos Irabor for the confidence to switch. As an English teacher, you need a pgd in Education which would allow you to be a teacher… but in a subject related to Geophysics like physics. This is a total change of direction. To be accepted in English, you would need a pgd in English, which is rare.
Better still, as you suggested, a pgd in journalism would be good, and can grant you acceptance for a masters in media, mass communication or journalism. But you can use it for a masters in English.
Hope my answer is not complicated
No complications at all…
Rather, your response is insightful & valuable!
Many,many thanks !
I graduated with 2nd class lower in electrical/electronics engineeering (power option) .please tell me which Nigeria university with low cost will accept pdg program for this.
You don’t need a pgd to proceed for a masters with a 2.2
Read through the blog again
please which course can I enroll for with higher national diploma in chemical engineering graduated with lower credit……..i want to know universities dat offers that and preferable course I can go for
try FUTMinna
Please Sir, I graduated with a 2nd class upper in the department of public administration. For my PG study I moved from my area of study, so I applied for a PGD in Business administration. Hope I’ll be get the admission?
yes… depending on the university
Please I’m A HND Holder in computer science lower credit, I’m intending to become a lecture in future, should I do PGDE or PGD in computer science or Engineering?
I graduated with a third class in mass communication.which course can i do for my pgd ? Please help.
Do a pgd in mass communication. It can even be done at the NUJ institute
Hello, please I have a brother who had Pass in Accountancy (Part time) ,which school can accept him for PGD
IS it a pass in HND or a pass Degree? It is difficult to be accepted for a PGD with a pass degree, infact it does not exist again.
A pass in HND
Please sir,can i have my pgd in electrical engineering with a bs.c in agricultural engineering
I graduated with a pass degree in economics. Can I get admission in any school to run pgd?
i have distinction in banking and finance in HND is it possible to do a masters degree directly.
also can some one who is serving go for d pgd ?
yes, someone serving can do a pdg, but not on full time. Its almost impossible to be accepted for a direct masters. Don’t even try any Federal university, except the new ones
Thank you for the enlightenment.
My question is that as a graduate of SLT BIOCHEMISTRY, what courses in the medical science field can one study in Post Graduate Diploma
Microbiology, anatomy,
I must commend your advice/assistance in respective questions,you doing a great job.
I graduated with distinction in graphics art (HND), and I am currently serving in kaduna state to finish by June. I would like to know:
Which University or institutions in Nigeria can I Apply for PGDE and what course would you advice?
Thanks for the compliments. Why not apply for a PGDE at ABU while serving. Check around for any of their satellite campuses that offers that. Also you Can do a PGDE with NOUN/NTI. Hope you know PGDE is for education
Thanks for the response. I am fully aware sir…
Pls sir
I finished with a 3rd class in mathematics and statistics, with 2.20CGPA. Pls can i do my PGD in Computer science and later that do my masters in Computer engineering abroad..
Your reply will be greatly appreciated.. Thanks.
Hello Prince, No. You can’t move from computer science PGD to computer engineering Masters
Please sir,
I have HND in Computer Science.
Is it possible for me to do my PGD in Computer science with lower credit (2.89)
Please sir, Your reply will be highly appreciated.. Thanks.
Yes. Apply for a pgd
Hello Mr. Ayodele John. Can someone with a PASS in HND do PGD as well?
pls Mr ayodele can we talk on phone I need your phone number
this is mine 08135224969
my question is ; is this PGD mean to come after nysc or b4.
Postgraduate means after graduation. Of course, you must have done NYSC
I have a 3rd class Bsc. Political science, can I do a PGD outside my field before proceeding for masters?
Yes you can. But it must be closely related or else you would need another O level if it’s a totally different area
Hello Mr Ayodele, I have HND in dental technology course with pass result. Can I go for my PGD in dental surgery or dental medicine with pass result before going for my NYSC? I need your enlighten on which institution to go for and can I apply for any course except from the mentioned ones but I haven’t done my NYSC
You can’t become a medical doctor through MBBS. To study for medical or dental surgery, take JAMB and be readmitted
Hello Mr Ayodele, please what is the full meaning of NTI?
National Teacher institute
Hello…Good Evening, Please is PGD the same as Masters.
And is HND the same as PGD… please i need a detailed answer. Thanks You.
Good morning, how are you doing?
i would like to ask about the universities in Nigeria that offer post graduate diploma in any basic medical science course. i would also like to know if you are conversant about universities outside Nigeria that also offer any of these courses. i would be very grateful. Thanks and God Bless.
Sir please can I apply for PDG in Adamawa state university, I graduated with third class from zoology department and which course can I put in for. Do you have the idea of how much it will cost me to finish the program..
Yes, you can apply. I don’t know much about Adamawa state University
Hi sir. Please has the registration for NTI PGDE programme for 2019 started? I have been offered admission but don’t know if I can pay the school fees now and possibly the closing date. Thanks for your usual response
I checked nti website and didn’t get any info. You can contact them through Email: info@nti.edu.ng
Telephone: 234-(0)62-887873
Is it true that a pass cant get admission for a pgd in Nigerian universities???
It’s almost impossible
Hi, i grad with upper credit in marine engineering from maritime Academy of nigeria, which sch in lagos can i do a part time pgd, preferably another course
I switched from industrial chemistry to pharmaceutical chemistry and had distinction.With these result,how long will M.sc take me?Thank
I switched from industrial chemistry to pharmaceutical chemistry and had dinstiction in PDDA .What minimum will M.sc programme take me?
Mr Ayodele John, you said there is nothing like bsc pass degree again, but I just graduated with a pass in bsc mathematics, what’s my faith??can I get a PGD in economics from any university in Nigeria??
I have HND in surveying and geoinformatics with lower result.
Do you know the university that I can do my PGD which is recognized by surcon.
Hello. I graduated with a 3rd class in English . Please is it advisable to do my PGD in public admin and master in pub admin too? or is it better to do the PGD in English and same for masters?
Also, does PGD sort of make up for my 3rd class? Like if I’m applying for a job after doing well in PGD and masters, could my previous 3rd class B.A affect my job application somehow?
Well done Sir for your great work. My wife has NCE certificate with credit passes, what does she has to do before can she go for masters? Pgde or direct entry to university?
NCE is like OND, your wife need to get a bachelor’s degree before considering masters
I am a graduate of public admin from polytechnic with a pass grade….is it possible for me to get admission at the university? aside from d course I studied in school,,can I go for Economics,marketing,political science,project mgt,business admin,business mgt,, financial mgt,,all at d PGD level….
With a 3rd class degree in accounting from unimaid,and Qualified as a chartered accountant (ACA),can I be admitted for masters degree in any of the management courses ?Thanks.
Yes, use your ACA, not the third class degree
Pls I have HND civil engineering, it’s possible do PGD in mechanical engineering?
Yes, very possible
Sir,can you help me with some few universities that can offer me masters degree with ACA qualification? Thanks.
with a pass in public administration from ibpoly,,can I b admitted for PGD in any of the management course…
Good day sir, am a HND holder in Accounting with pass since 2015, can I do PGD? If yes which university
Good day sir, I’m am HND holder in Petroleum Engineering Technology with Distinction Grade. I will like to seek for advice of course to study for my PGD programme and school bearing in mind that Petroleum engineering is one-sided kind of. Thanks
You can do a pgd in chemical engineering, petroleum engineering or petroleum geology
Do a pgd in chemical engineering, petroleum engineering or petroleum geology
If u do pgd in education, can u be given admission for master in other field of studies that is not education related
Your masters must be related to the pgd course
Pls sir i studied hospitality and tourism management in poly with upper,but now i want to switch to digital marketing.is it possible? If it is which uni offer it?
Do a pgd in computer and information technology. UNILAG and many other schools offer it
Good morning sir, am a graduate of accounting with lower credit please which do you advice me to go for a:
1. A PGD program in accounting or ICAN
2. If am to go for the PGD which university can you advice me to put in for? I live around mowe axis Ogun state can I also do PT ?
ICAN is the best choice, except you want to be a lecturer
Good day sir, I graduated with an upper credit from a Polytechnic, is it possible to do a Masters degree Program in any University of my choice without undergoing Pgd??
I graduated with 2.2, Bsc AccountancyIf I want to take the teaching profession, must I do PGD to be recognized by the body or should I proceed to Masters
Hello Blessing, you have to do a PGDE to be recognized in the teaching profession
Yes do a pgde to be a qualified teacher
I graduated with a third class degree in statistics what are the possible pgd programs can i applied? and can i switch to another line like pgd in computer science is that possible thanks
Hello Abubakar, you can do a pgd in any course in the faculty of science. Yes, computer is acceptable
Hello Mr. Ayodele, i’m a graduate of Visual Art and Technology (Graphics Communication option), Second class upper division from CRUTECH. Is there any possibility of going for Master in Mass Communication in any University without PGD? Thanks.
For Msc in Mass communication, it maybe difficult. But you can be accepted to a specialization like digital media or TV production
I graduated with second class upper in international relations from estam(in republic of Benin) I want to master in literature,what’s the best University in Nigeria for that? Would I have to get a post graduate degree ?
Please I graduated with a 3rd class in physics education and want to go for medical physics for my PgD please which way
Hi Ayodele,
Good day to you. Is it possible for someone who came out with pass in English Education do Pgd? I urgently need your advise.
And also which schools can offer that minimum requirement?
Thank you.
Hello sir, I have HND in
Science laboratory technology (microbiology option) with lower credit
What are the likely PhD course that I can go for
Good day sir, please sir i have ND in electrical/Electronics Engineering and later cross to computer science. Graduated with an upper credit. Please will i b offered admission for my pgd if i apply in any university?
Sir I am an HND holder With Upper Credit In Office Technology And Management, So Is It Posible For Me To Undergo PGD in computer science?
Can a 3rd class law graduate go for PGD before applying for masters??..
Hello,I graduated from Uni of Jos,BA Hon in Mass Communication, Second Class Division. Am planing to go for Master Program in d same field,is there any need for PGD Edu after d Msc prog b4 I can apply for Lecturing Job?
Hello Levi, You don’t need a PGDE to be a lecturer, but it improves chances of getting a lecturing appointment.
Hello sir
I’m a hnd holder in agriculture…
Do I really need to apply for pgd before masters
I studied English and literary studies in a college of education but really meaning to switch to human resources or mass communication. Is getting a pgd in the said course possible before proceeding to get a masters program? Thanks
Hello Oyinye, it’s possible to get a pgd. Make up your mind on the course of study
Good afternoon sir. I graduated with a cgpa of 2.6 in Science laboratory technology (Geology and mining option).Am currently serving and will be passing out by Sept,can i apply for pgd now and which course can you advise i go for?
Hello Oge, apply for a pgd in geology. Uniben offers the course.
Yes you can apply now. When registration begins, you would be through with NYSC
please which is better and which do you advice:
I graduated with distinction in Elect/Elect from a polytechnic; don’t know whether I should do direct entry to get B.Sc or to do PGD?
Also which level will the universities in Nigeria allow me to start from should I decide to do direct entry??
Distinction in OND or HND?
Be clear.
Distinction in HND
Ok. You can do a pgd, infact you can get admission for masters directly abroad.
But for job in Nigeria, you can still have a Bsc. That’s because HND is discriminated against. See my post http://postgraduatenigeria.com.ng/2019/01/hnd-bachelor-degree-difference-at-postgraduate-admission/.
God bless
PGD Accounting in Bayero University would cost how much, any idea?
Hello, can’t give a specific amount pgd at Bayero university. Most pgd range between 70,000- 150,000 naira
Please what’s the difference between PGD and PGDE? Can a second class Bsc graduate use PGDE to teach in the university?
PGD is for any course, Engineering, economics, public administration etc., Specifically PGDE is for education. See this post
You need a PhD to teach at University
Thanks for the detailed explanation. Is it possible for an HND graduate in computer science to proceed with PGD in English and Literature? Thank you!
Had a bsc in physics but will like to switch career path to be a teacher in biology or public health… Please is it possible?
Pls I studied French,a third class,university of port harcourt, can I do a pgd in secretaryship?
Or any other schools in nigeria?
Hello Queen, there’s no course called secretaryship. You can do a pgd in secretarial studies, personel management to become a secretary
Good day sir,
I studied food science(HND) upper credit, I
want to switch to management science. Can I do PGD on business administration in Noun?
Yes Edith. You LL be admitted for a pgd management
Good day sir, pls can some one who has a pass in Law do a Pgd then go for his masters afterwards
Please sir, I graduated with lower credit in statistics, which other course can I go for in PGD
Mathematics or Economics
Hi, im currently doing NYSC but im passin out in june/july. Can i apply for Funaab pgd programme. And id like to know the duration.
Yes you can
Please sir..I graduated with pass in Graphics Textile.. which course can I go for in PGD
Pls sir. I graduated with 3rd class in human anatomy. Is possible for me to do business administration in pgd?
Yes, you can apply for a postgraduate diploma in business administration
Thanks sir, are part time classes only weekends? Thanks
i have a 3rd class in pure physics i wish to run a PGD program in any field, 1.kindly advise on any field you think i can run the program.
2.also what the cost of running pgd in NOUN, and list of cheap schools i can run the program?
3.i am currently working, what school can i apply that wont affect week days job.
You can do a pgd in NOUN. It won’t affect your job. I can’t choose course for you, decide that yourself. Thanks
Is it possible as a Civil Engineer graduate from poly to do my master on my field of study after pgd in edu without doing another pgd in engineering.
Yes, very possible
Thank you, now i want to know if i can be a lecturer in my field of study ( civil engineering) after my pgd in edu. without going for Pgd in Civil engineering.
pls sir ,I graduated with a pass degree in pure chemistry ,is it possible for me to pursue a PGD programme ?
Yes, very possible
thanks for your reply .pls can u recommend a school that accepts pass result for PGD ?
I graduated with upper credit in accounting (poly) is it possible to do accounting in PGD
If you have a HND, you can surely do a pgd
Please, is PGD equivalent to b.sc for the HND holder?
It’s higher than BSc
What can i do with HND pass accounting.
Which institution can take accept me to do 1-2 year degree that is not costly,also Which institution can I do my pgd programme.
Yes you cAn.
Please sir, which of the school and course can you advise me to do my PGD with upper credit in civil engineering Or better still to apply for MSc directly and which course can i go for with HND upper credit in civil engineering and the possible schools. Thanks
Hello, I depends on your interest. Which part of civil engineering do you love?
For school, there are many you can do a pgd. From UNIPORT, UNIBEN, UNILAG, FUNAAB, UNILORIN etc
Please i have not received any response from question, i asked if i can be a lecturer in my field of study ( civil engineering) after my pgd in edu. without going for Pgd in Civil engineering.
Sir after hnd in architecture, want to proceed for my pgd in d west,, intending to study building or estate management plzz which skull should I apply
Apply to unilag asap. They have both courses and is one of the best. Check out the application information http://postgraduatenigeria.com.ng/2019/04/20192020-unilag-postgraduate-forms-on-sale/
Good Day House!
Please Sir, I would like to know which university in Nigeria has a 9 months -12 months duration for PGD (part time).
Which university can I do a pgd in mechanical engineering .
I am an HND holder in mechanical engineering with lower credit..
Also is it possible I do any course abroad with HND lower credit in mechanical engineering… Ireland to be precise..
Yea, you can even be admitted for a direct Msc., But I’m not sure about Ireland.
Do a pgd mechanical at UNILAG
Good day sir please I need your assistance. M a graduate with a third class degree Bsc in Physics from federal university of petroleum resources What can I do to upgrade my degree
M currently a serving Corper
Hello, you either do a Postgraduate diploma or you register for another degree program
What school can I run a pgd . I checked uniport online but the school is very expensive 800k
What other course can I run outside physics.
Hi sir…. Thanks for your relentless effort!
I graduated with a Third Class in History and International Studies. Now I’m planning to do my PGD in mass communication and also to have a PGDE in order to become a professional History teacher.
Please how can I achieve this?
Register for pgde at any satellite campus., Then do the pgd mass communication in a regular university. Hope that helps?
Yeah, thanks sir!
Can I do PGDE at UI and what about using it to do masters in the same faculty?
Again, do postgraduate diplomas have professional and academic class like masters?
1. You can do pgde in UI
2. NO, there’s nothing like professional or Academic pgd
Can someone with upper credit in mass communication do his pgd in pharmacy?
No. You can’t change from humanities to Science
Good day sir… Pls can someone with bsc in physics go for pgd in civil engineering and then do the master
Yes, you can
Good morning sir. I want to know if i can start my PGD while doing my Nysc . I studied pest management Technology. upper credit. which course can I do
You can apply.
Pls mr Ayodele, is it adviceable that i enrole for pgd in futminna since i stays in bida, i graduated with Lwer credit in HND in surveying and geoinformatics and i want to run my PGD in Geographical information system but it seems Futminna only offer that course at the PhD level, pls can you help find out if possible
IF FUT MINNA has the course, you can check UNILORIN too, it’s not so far from Niger state
Do the pgd in FUT Minna, if the course is available. You can check UNILORIN too, since it’s close to minna
Good day mr Ayodele, i learnt there is no more pass in universities but what about those dat have pass degree before stoping it, can we still go for pgd.
I studied Biochemistry bt av pass, want to do pgd in public health, all d university av searched deir brochure listed only 3rd class as the least grade, pls what do i do.
I also studied community health (CHEW) , all i wnt is dis pgd in public health, pls be of help to me.
Someone said i shd go to noun for public health as a direct student (i.e from 200L)
Hello,it’s a twisted case. I’ll advice you to take the second option. If you have a HND, then go for a pgd.
But if it’s OND, go to NOUN.
Pls sir…..
I just finished my ND in civil engineering…..
Pls should i go for my HND or Direct Entry….
Thank u sir…
Hello Lekan, final decision depends on you. You can find out the employment benefit
I graduated with a pass in accounting is it possible to do finance in university of Benin?
I graduated with upper frm a Polytechnic, bt am sure of direct admission for masters in a particular school, bt am scared. pls, do u think there could be possible hazards on the way, since I didn’t run PGD first. the course of choice is medical microbiology. tnx
Sir,I av HND in building technology with lower credit, and want to do PGD also in building technology, which university in south east offers it(part time)?
Greetings, sir. You’re truly doing a great job. With HND in public administration, can I do PGD in education and MSc in any social science courses afterwards?
Hello Chinonso, we spoke already. Do a pgd in a course you wish to do at Msc. You can’t do pgde and return to social science
Good day sir, Please which universities can I enroll for PGD am a graduate with HND in Computer Science With lower credit
Any university of choice.
Pls sir, am currently running a pgd programme at futa, computer science department is it possible for me to use it apply for Msc outside the country.
And which country will most situable. Tnks sir.
Yes, just request for your Transcript and you can get Masters admission abroad
Good day sir, Please which universities can I enroll for Analytical chemistry in PGD am a graduate with HND in science laboratory Technology
Hello Blessing, UNILAG, UNIBEN, and UNILORIN does pgd chemistry
I graduate with pass in OTM can I go for PDG in any of university Nigerian.
What is OTM?
Good evening,can I go for PGD with a pass accounting HND result,thanks
Yes. Apply for a postgraduate diploma pgd
Pls can I have your number Elizabeth ..mine is 07017669737
Good afternoon. I have HND certificate and a PGDM certificate. Can I use this to apply for a master’s programme abroad?
Yes, get your PGDM transcript and apply
Please, I have HND in mechanical engineering. Lower credits. Can I apply for PGD ABU Zaria
Yes. You can apply
Good evening, I have HND in Computer Science with upper credit from The Federal Polytechnic Bida. Can I run a PGD programme that will possibly serve as masters entry and also serve for education?
Because I am teaching in a school and they are requesting for certificate in education and at the same time I want to run my masters, is there any PGD programme that work for the two (i.e Education and Masters)
Hello Emmanuel, to continue in the teaching profession, then you have to do a pgd in Education.
But to go for a masters in computer science, then do a pgd in a course related to computer science. You can’t do a combination of education and computer
I have HND Lower credit in Mech Engineering ( Power Plant ) option. Where can I do my PGD & what area should I specialize?
Hello, do a pgd in mechanical engineering. You can specialise when you want to do master.
At Masters, the specialisations are power, fluid mechanics/thermofluid, automobile, engineering management e.t.c
Do I need new O level result to switch from science to arts. I bagged B. Sc in Chemistry and I decided to pursue a post graduate diploma in religious studies.
Thank you sir.
Is there anything like PHND?
After my pgd in aviation management: what is your advise for my masters degree?
Do a masters in transport and logistics management
I’ve a third class in Agricultural Economics. Where can I do my pgd and what area should I specialize on, sir?
I’ve a third class in Agricultural Economics. Where can I do my PGD and what area should I specialize on
You can do a pgd in any course by the faculty of Agriculture. Courses like crop science, animal science, Agric. Extension or Agric. Economics.
The universities that offer pgd in those courses are few. Better still, just a pgd in Agric. Science
I have third class, B. Eng ( Civil). Currently doing PGD in construction management (Building Dept). Is PGD an additional educational qualification that I can add in my CV. Thank you
Yes, of course.
Immediately you graduate, get your pgd transcript and use it to further education applications. Put it on your CV and on your cover letter
Thanks for your concern on getting people like us informed on stuff like these.
Please I need clarification, I have HND Accounting from ibadan poly with a lower credit. Can I go for masters directly in any university especially U.I or what will you advise? Thank you.
Hello Ola,
UI will not accept you directly for a masters. Except you have a chartered accountant.
You can go for MBA if there’s years of experience
Please, I have a friend that wants to do pgd in computer science he graduated with 2.13 bachelor’s degree in marine biology. can he go for the pdg in computer science and how many years will he spend?
The person would be accepted for Pgd in computer.
Postgraduate diploma PGD is minimum of one year. The duration depends on the university and other factors like ASUU
please i graduated with Lower credit HND in Office Technology and Management, can i apply for PGDE Office Technology and Management at EKSU
Thanks for the response Mr. Ayodele
I have Lower credit in Office Technology and Management (HND) can i apply for PGDE Office Technology and Management at EKSU.
Yes, you can apply for PGD (not PGDE) if EKSU has the course
Please i graduated with a HND pass result in library and information science,can i apply for PGD in unilorin?
Please I graduated with a HND pass in library and information science,can i apply for PGD
Hello Grace,
You can apply for a pgd if UNILORIN has the course
I graduated with HND lower credit in environmental health technology
Can I apply for Pgd in public health in NOUN And I’m currently working I’m an army officer
Yes, you can apply if NOUN has pgd public health
Good afternoon sir, i graduate with pass result in plapoly, dept. of Social Devt. Can i apply pgd? And which course?
Am running my Hnd in mechanical engineering, but I want to know which one is better between pgd and Bsc after Hnd
If you want to work, Bsc is better. For Masters degree study, Pgd is better
Pls can a person with second class lower in English education do pdg and in what school
Yes, you can do pgd in any course or school.
After PGD in computer science which specialization in masters is the best? and which university can I do my masters in Nigeria?
Masters can be in any university of choice.
Specializations in computer science are cyber security, software engineering, web development, internet of things e.t.c
Why is UNILAG and UI not accepting HND+PGD Electrical/Electronics Engineering for their master program(Msc) in same course.They still discriminate against the HND foundation
Where did you get this information from?
UNILAG and UI would accept your pgd for masters admission if it is at a good grade and you pass their entrance screening.
Pls can I use B.Sc. in food science and technology to apply for a post graduate diploma in religious studies.
No…. Except you have a new O level result
What you are saying is that if I can take GCE and include Christian Religious Studies and other arts subjects such as literature, government , etc, I can be eligible to apply for post graduate diploma in religious studies?
plz sir, Can some one with PGD from different university enroll for master in different university?
You can use a pgd for admission in any university in Nigeria or abroad. Just get your transcripts
Please I have a PASS Result from HND Maths & Statistics
Please can you kindly assist me with list of schools that can accept me
For PGD thanks Mr Ayodele
I have Bsc.Ed biology and I want go for either pgd microbiology or plant biology in Nigeria university. May I know which university I can apply to if they do such. Thanks . Abel
Apply to any federal university close to you.
Some universities would give you direct masters admission with your Bsc.ed biology
Good morning, please can I use PGD in applying for the Nigerian air force because the academic qualification they need is second class upper division. Am confused
And what grade is given in PGD?
Hello Vico,
At pgd, your grade can be distinction, pass or fail
What PGD programme will be suitable for an upper credit HND graduate in Accounting?
Pgd Economics, statistics, political science or sociology
Hello, please which PGD programme will be suitable for an upper credit HND graduate in Accounting? Can one switch to another field, if yes, pls which?
Can i apply pgd with pass result,social devt. Dept
Plz sir, i graduated with ( Lower Credit) in Science Laboratory Technology (Microbiology option) plz what should I actually go for in pgd? Please sir it’s urgent
You can do a pgd in microbiology or biotechnology
Thanks for locating this blog I hope to be satisfy with the information I will get here.
Could Educational management degree holder apply for PGD in economics or finance? Thank you sir.
Yes…. Economics is in line
Hello Mr ayodele
Thanks for your time in responding to all questions raised.
Mine is I have CGPA 2.67HND Federal poly nasarawa.
Am going for my PGD any school around north central to further
Hello Paul, what’s your question?
What I. Meant was that, am going for PGD, any school around North Central or north East I can apply
Paul, you didn’t mention any course for the PGD.
You can apply at Federal University,,Lafia.
ATBU, Bauchi or
Moddibo Adamu University, Yola
Which school can I study PGD in Networking Technology, I had a 3rd class in computer science
That course doesn’t exit in any Nigerian university to the best of my knowledge. Choose a closely related course
Which University can I study PGD in business administration and management with lower credit. graduated with 2.6 in business administration and management (HND).
Hello Esther, you can apply for a PGD in any federal university or good state university.
Tell me your location so I can mention one close to you
Your responses are all awesome.
Please, I have an NCE before my LLB.
But my LLB is third class. I am not planning to go to law school for now. (Because I am a NOUN student).
So, please can I combine NCE with LLB 3rd class to do master in PGDE?
Hello, just use your LLB to register for PGDE directly. The third class would not affect your chances.
Which University can I apply for PGD I graduated with lower credit in business administration and management.
I am sorry for the mistake. I mean can I combine NCE with LLB with third class to do master in education.
And again. Is NCE equivalent to PGD in educational qualification?
I have HND Electrical Engineering, I am look for university from southwest that can offer me PGD in Electrical admission.
University of Lagos UNILAG is your best option. If not for ASUU, PGD can be completed in a year there.
Please I need to be counselled.
I had 3rd class in the University of study in zoology and went further to study Pgd in business administration and communication from the federal polythenic. Ibadan.
The question is, Is this Pgd certificate from a Polytechnic valid enough to take me through Masters degree in the University, or I should take another Pgd this time from a university and in what course & school.?
Hello Paschal, it is amazing to know that some polytechnic now offer pgd programs. In fact, if not that I personally saw an advert, I would have not believed.
My advice, use your pgd to apply for a Master degree. Don’t go for another pgd. The university may ask questions so be ready to answer and defend your certificate
Please, Try FUOYE, Ekiti State. Very nice!
I am graduate of business Administration– HND lower credit and intend going for PGD, please, which school will be ok for students leaving in Lagos? And is it advisable for business Administration students to do this kind of program in a satellite campuses?
In an estimate what could be the cost estimate for running this kind of program?
Hello Jimoh, what do you mean by satellite campus?
You can apply for a PGD in business administration. As a result of the current ASUU strike, I will suggest that you apply a NOUN
Is NOUN pgd or Msc recognized?
Yes. NOUN is a NUC approved university.
The PGD and Master’s degrees are accredited and recognised
Good morning sir, i graduated with pass in plateau state polytechnic, Department of social development. I want apply for pgd, but i want to ask which course i should apply
Apply for a pgd in sociology, political science or social work.
You can also do a postgraduate diploma in education
I graduated with upper credit in Quantity Survey..do i need pdg before enrolling for masters??
Good morning sir, can a HND holder with second class can apply Master directly or pgd first before master?
Hello Richard, there is no second class in HND grading. It is distinction, upper credit, lower credit and pass
Good afternoon sir.
Please, I want to ask if someone can get a job with third class.
Graduated with third class in Igbo linguistics. Which course can I apply for Pgd and school?
Good evening sir. please sir, can I still get job with third class.
I graduated with third class in Igbo linguistics.
Which course should I apply in my pgd and school?
Hello, don’t give up, you can get a job. Visit this post https://postgraduatenigeria.com/2016/09/third-class-dont-give-up-you-can-even/
Or this similar one
Sorry for that sir, is upper credit that i mean. You will direct to master or pgd first.
PGD first
Please sir I graduated with upper credit in HND microbiology and am done with my NYSC, can I do PGDE in biology or B.ed
Yes. That means you want to become a teacher. Pgde is only for education
Good morning Sir
I have B. Sc in Library And Information Science, Faculty of Education but I want to do something completely different from that at Master level, I have a number of courses to select from :
Environmental management
Something relating to Occupational health and safety
Public Relations
I will have to choose from one of these three.
I know I will need a PGD in the area I chose, but will it be possible, considering it’s a complete of faculties and if it’s possible, where can I find these courses at PGD level
Hello Stanley, you have lots of questions..where do I begin?
I want to believe that you have requisite O’level results for those new courses that you desire, that would be the starting point.
You can do a PGD in biochemistry, chemistry or microbiology and then proceed to a Master’s in environmental health
I already have PGD in Education but can I apply for Master in Sciece in Nigeria university
Yes. But make the school choice carefully. Hope your BSc was in science?
Hello,BSC(edu) & HND
Which has more value
BSc seems to have more value.
But work experience can determine
Good morning sir
Please sir I have HND In Microbiology with 3.2 can I apply for public health without pgd
Hello Sophia, most universities would discriminate against your HND.
Except it’s Masters admission to UK or a private university.
If you have a professional certification with HND you can also apply
Good evening sir, please i have bsc in health education with second class lower, can i apply for masters in public health without a PGD
Or would i have to do a PGD in public health first
No need for pgd.
But some universities like UNILAG discriminate against education faculty graduates moving directly to the respective subject faculty.
What part of Nigeria are you so I give you school suggestions?
Please i graduated in the university with 2nd class lower in health education and i want to study master’s in public health (MPH). Can i do PDG in public health??? To qualify for MHP
Please i graduated from the university with a second class lower in Health Education, and i want to go for Master’s in Public Health (MPH) can i do PGD in public health???? Or what course can i go for @ PGD to proceed to MPH.
Good evening sir,
Please sir i graduated from the university with a second class lower in Health Education, and i want to go for Master’s in Public Health (MPH) can i do PGD in public health to proceed to MPH??
Good afternoon sir, I graduated with a grade point of 2.4 in UK in 2004. I want to return to school for a pgd education. I live in badagri, lagos. State, and I have the responsibility of caring for 4 little boys. Please kindly advice if it is possible to do the program and suggested schools. Thank you sir.
Are you interested in studying in Nigeria or abroad?
Good morning sir, you asked what part of Nigeria i am so u can give me schools suggestions for the MPH
I’m in the South, Edo state to be precise thank you
Okay. You want to move from health education to Masters of Public Health.
Apply to UNIBEN, or any good state university.
MPH is very competitive. Medical doctors and other health professionals would also be applying. If you have hospital or community health experience then you have an advantage
Pls I hav ND in SLT and I apply for pgd the gave me, so I want to ask can I apply direct entry with pgd
I don’t understand yiu
Good Day Sir, I have HND in Civil Engineering with CGPA of 3.4
Kindly assist to advice on what steps to take to apply for masters.
or Do I have to apply for PGDCE Thanks.
If you want to do a direct Masters, travel to the UK.
In Nigeria, do a post graduate diploma and then a Master’s degree.
I have HND lower credit in civil engineering is it possible for me to do PGD in construction management and which university can I apply in since I’m working in Akwa ibom state
Can one do a PGD in a different school and switch to another for Masters program?
You can only continue with the same pgd course at Masters
1.Good day sir I would want to know the difference btw pgde and pgd
2.I have HND in marketing wat course ll b better 4 my pgd
Pgde is for education. That means to become a qualified teacher.
The course you choose for pgd depends on what you want
Sir I am an HND holder with upper credit, I studied food science and technology..and i want to be a lecturer not a teacher so can I still do PGD in food tech or PGD in education…
Hello Tolu, if you have years of experience apply directly for a Master’s degree. If not, apply for a pgd in food science and technology
Please Sir i graduated from a Polytechnic with an upper credit HND in public administration i dont know i want to switch to political science on PGD i dont know if it is possible
Yes, pgd political science
Can someone still apply for a master degree outside education with a PGDE certificate
No, Pgde serve mainly for education
Is it possible to have B.Sc in science and apply for pgd in Arts or any course totally different from science courses?
It’s is possible is some cases. If you can mention the course so that I guide you
Hi Ayodele,
I graduated with 2nd Class Upper Division in Political Science and I am interested in doing my MSc. However, the University that I am interested in informed me that one can no longer be given admission without having credit in both English and Math. I gained admission to study Pol. Science in the year 2000 and the requirement back then was 5 credits including English and a pass in Math. Do you know if there is any high institution in Nigeria that will waive this requirement of having credit in English and Math at O’ level since I already have a 2.1? Or if I do a PGD, will I be accepted?
Thank you.
Hello Henry,
This is a case of change in admission requirements over time. The best choice is to resit the O’level but I know how challenging it can be.
Alternatively, let me suggest a university that accepts that result. No need for pgd
Okay, so I finished with a Bsc in Textile science and technology, and most of our courses were engineering courses to the extent that before we graduated, our department was transferred from the faculty of sciences to the Faculty of engineering and i want to do Masters in Mechanical engineering or Computer engineering (I don’t know which is possible for me). So my question is that do I have to do a PGD in Mech engineering or the Computer engineering before going for the MEng??²
This would be hard. Only someone that sees your transcript would know that you did engineering courses.
My advice is that you visit the faculty of engineering in the school you want Master’s degree and speak with the postgraduate coordinator.
For textile, the closest engineering course is polymer engineering
can one that study Business admin as in degree level do PGD in computer science?
I graduate with third class can I do masters without PGD?
Hi,I graduate with third class,can be able to do MSc without PGD?
I graduated with Pass in statistics. I just finished my nysc this year.
Which University can I Apply for PGD and which course can I do
A pass is lower than a third class. I am not sure there is any university that accepts it
Hi, I graduated with Upper Credit HND Computer Engineering, can I get admission for Masters direct?
In Nigeria, NO
You would need a postgraduate diploma
Good evening sir, I’m an HND holder and graduated with distinction in Civil Engineering. Please sir, can I apply for Master’s degree directly to UNILAG or any other Nigerian university?
Hello Sunday,
With a HND, you would need a postgraduate diploma course before a Master’s degree. If you have fund, some UK universities accept HND for masters
Good evening sir/ma’am
I’m an HND holder with 2.82 CGPA, in microbiology and I have an intention of going for PGD in either clinical microbiology it public health,so I would be glad if you can elucidate more if I can go for that course in pgd or probably put me through on any other preferable option.
Good evening Mr ayodele,
Please i had bsc ed physics with third class, can i do PGD in any direct science related course not education?
Yes, you can
Thank you so much for this
Please I have an HND(distinction) in Chemistry/Biochemistry. My question is
1. Can any school accept me for a direct masters seeing my good result?
2. Can I do a masters or PGD from NOUN on public health, will it be recognized?
3. If 1 or 2 is not possible, kindly recommend for me, currently reside in PH
1. No Nigerian university accept HND for direct admission
2. Check noun website to confirm
Mr Ayodele, please Between PGD and conversion to bsc which would you advise someone that have upper credit in marketing to go for?
What are your specific career goals?
If you want to be a lecturer go for a pgd then masters and PhD. If you want to be a career professional, do a conversion BSc.
Good morning Mr ayodele,
Please i had bsc physics with pass degree can i do PGD Engineering course ?
Yes. But it is better you do in physics
Does pgd student do project and project defence?
Yes. Postgraduate diploma students write thesis/project
Mr Ayodele which university accept pass (Bsc) Within they south south for PGD.
Uniuyo, Niger Delta university
Okay, so I finished with a Bsc in Textile science and technology, and most of our courses were engineering courses to the extent that before we graduated, our department was transferred from the faculty of sciences to the Faculty of engineering and i want to do Masters in Mechanical engineering or Computer engineering (I don’t know which is possible for me). So my question is that do I have to do a PGD in Mech engineering or the Computer engineering before going for the MEng??
Mr Ayodele morning, did you verify that uniuyo,NDU accept pass degree for PGD in which courses. Just call someone to verify also really need to start it soon.
I didn’t check this well. Pass degree is now unclassified. Hardly any university accepts it for any thing.
Apologies for the misinformation
I have BSc. Computer science, second class upper.
Can I proceed to MSC. Information Science without going through PGD?
Apply directly for a Master degree no need for pgd
Hello. Good morning Mr Ayodele. Please can I apply for masters with a Nigerian PGD certificate to Canadian or uk universities.
A big YES. Get your pgd transcript and apply. It would be treated in lieu of a bachelor degree for MSc application
Good morning Mr Ayodele, I have gone to national open university and they don’t have pgd in public health yet, but since you said I can go for any basic medical science course please can you tell me which one to go for please
Microbiology, pharmacology, biochemistry,
Good evening sir,
I graduated with a first class in Agricultural Economics but now want to switch to Economics. I applied for a postgraduate diploma in economics but I have been advised by some people to not go for the diploma.
Someone said that it would look suspicious or dubious for a first class graduate to apply for a diploma.
I really want to do this diploma cos I know it will help my smooth transition into economics as I still have a lot to learn..
Please what would you advise I do?
Hello Faith, you don’t need a pgd for a MSc in Economics. Agric. Economics suit perfectly for Masters in Economics even though it’s from the faculty of Agriculture. A postgraduate diploma will be a waste of time
Good evening sir,
Please I really want to do my PGD in public health but I don’t know the university that will be suitable and fast for it. Please can you help me with the information, is it also okay to do in online too?
I can’t give a any university that does postgraduate diploma in public health
I have a bsc in micro biology is it possible for me to gain admission into 200l to study any health science course after doing a 1 year pgd in any health science course
Your question is not clear. Do you mean starting a new BSc at 200l?
Good afternoon sir, please I have a third class in BS.c Economics, please can I do PGD in Urban and Regional Planing in University of Ibadan? Thank you
Yes, you can apply
Good afternoon Mr Ayodele, please I graduated with a 3rd class degree in History and International studies. And I want to move into the education line, can I do PGD related to History and International relation?
Apply for a postgraduate diploma in education. Check this blogpost https://postgraduatenigeria.com/2017/01/course-review-postgraduate-diploma-in/
As a nurse with ND /hnd in nursing from a college of nursing can i go for pgd in nursing without going for nysc. And will their be any exams taken to do the pgd
Yes, you can proceed for pgd in nursing but from my experience, pgd nursing is very scarce.
Any university offering the programme can ask you to do an entrance exam before admission
Good morning sir I graduate with upper credit in statistics which University can I studied Data analysis
Your question is not clear. Are you HND or BSc graduate?
Hello sir, Sir I graduated with HND upper credit result and I would love to apply for a school abroad expecially US, can I apply without doing a Pgd? Please sir
Hello Ikechukwu, few universities in the US accept HND for Masters but not top schools. It is better to do your postgraduate diploma and expand your options with higher chance for scholarship or funding
Gudevening sir I graduated with a merit in PGD business administration and I was told I can proceed for my masters
Yes, it is good enough
Good day sir please can someone who graduated with a pass Biochemistry go for PGD thanks
A pass degree is unclassified. The certificate is not acceptable for further studies
Hello Mr Ayodele, your site is a good help.
I have a B.tech, second class(lower division) in Chemical engineering and I want to switch career by doing an Msc in computer science. Will that be possible if I do a pgd in computer science? Can you recommend a “1yr is 1yr” school that offers such? I’m thinking U.I but they are under Asuu
Hello Nelson, yes you can switch from chemical engineering to computer science. There are two routes – broad MSc computer science just for anyone interested without a background in computer/ICT. For specialisations under computer science you need a pgd first to build the knowledge foundation. See my blog on master’s in computer.
For faster postgraduate diploma, apply to a recognized private university. UNILAG and UI are also fast
Gudmorning sir ,please is PGD classified as a professional degree or professional certificate
Postgraduate diploma can be an academic certificate or a professional certificate. It depends on the course
Thank you for your quick response Mr Ayodele.
I graduated with lower credit in HND Biology/Microbiology in 2008, can I still do pharmaceutical microbiology for my PGD prog? I’m in Ogun State, please suggest Schools that are good. Thanks in anticipation
Check Olabisi Onabanjo university. The school has a faculty of pharmacy. Or else check UNILAG or UNIBEN.
Hi Ayodele, which school in Nig. (Southwest) Can i do my PDG and MD in Business Administration
What do you mean by MD?
Good day Sir,
I am a HND holder and obtained my PGD Accounting and Finance at Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic in 2020.
How may I secured Masters admission into any available university?
Yes. You can apply directly for Master’s with the pgd
Hi Ayodele, which school in Nig. (Southwest) Can i do my PDG and MD in Business Administration
Good day sir!
I have HND in Estate Management & Valuation. Which University is suitable for my PGD and how much do you think the tuition fee would range like?
Your location will assist in recommending a university close to you
Sir I have HND in office technology and Management and I have professional PGD in Human resources management from chartered institute of human resources management of Nigeria .with this professional PGD in human resources management can go for my m.s.c in human resources management in UI and I also have an associate certificate from the same institute
Sir I have HND in office technology and Management and I have professional PGD in Human resources management from chartered institute of human resources management of Nigeria .with this professional PGD in human resources management can i go for my m.s.c in human resources management in UI and I also have an associate certificate from the same institute
Hello Mr Ayodele.
I graduated with a third class result in Chemical Science, I have also agreed to go for my PGD in Nigeria.
Can I apply for my M.Sc programme in Europe and if i did well in my PGD. Can I get scholarship. Even if it’s 50% scholarship?
Yes, you can apply abroad with a postgraduate diploma. I don’t about the scholarship part. There’s no guarantee
Can someone who study business administration and management (HND) apply for Economic or computer science in PGD?
I have an HND in marine engineering what are thew courses I can apply for in Pgd please
You can apply for pgd in any engineering programme
Pls sir, kindly assist with the list of universities that offers PDG.
You mean pgd,?
Virtually all Universities accredited for postgraduate programmes have pgd
Can a HND holder having PGD, be accepted as an assistant lecturer in any university?
Yes, with a Master’s degree
Good Day Sir, I finished with a third class, Plant science, please is there any school in the west that I can apply for pgd ? Or is there any university I can apply to for masters
I have HND in public administration! Please what next if I want to further? Can I do pgd or what? Please I need an answer.
Yes, you can do a postgraduate diploma in a related course
what about student with bsc chemistry needing to switch up into electrical
engineering or computer engineering is it possible?
Apply for a pgd but make sure you have the O’level admission requirements
Thanks for your respond others are discriminating that chemistry student can not switch to electrical engineering. But I know chemistry is science background field so I think is possible
Please, I applied for a part-time PGD, only to realise it’s actually longer than full-time.
I just got the admission, is it possible to switch?
What school and year
Please Sir I want to know can a Human Kinetics graduate do a PGD in Physiotherapy and then a Master’s degree in Physiotherapy?
Thank you
I graduated with a 3rd class bsc in accounting, I want to know if a pgd certificate will allow me apply for masters abroad, thanks in advance.
Yea ,it would
Please I have HND in physics/electronics and the school I want to apply for my PGD does not offer that course, can I change to another course? If yes, please what are the related courses
You can do a postgraduate Diploma in electrical and electronics engineering
please i did food science and technology for HND which related courses can i do for PGD AND MASTERS
Any course in microbiology and food science
Please sir how do I contact you? I want to make enquiries on how I can apply for masters abroad with my HND certificate,you mentioned something like that in the comment section
Send a message to admin@postgraduatenigeria.com